My Chess Game || 13-04-23

Hello Chess Lovers

Today I played many interesting Chess games. The game I liked the most was against a Israeli player @Idan_Maoz .

In this game my Accuracy was 82.4%.

My opponent open the game with king's pawn controls the center and open up the light-square bishop and queen. I reply with e5 which is a common response that establishes a presence in the center, controls d4 and opens up the queen and dark-squared bishop.
My opponent move knight to c3 which is Vienna Game

The Vienna opening starts with Nc3, which defends the e4 pawn and controls the d5 square -by delaying Nf3 White keeps the option of playing f2-f4.

My reply is pawn to c5. I want to control the center. If I move my knight to c6 then my c7 pawn blocked by knight.
My opponent move bishop to c4. This develops a bishop off its starting square, getting it into the action.

I move my bishop to e7. I want to vacate f8 square for castling.
My opponent move Queen to f3 which is a blunder. The best move was Queen to h5. I reply with knight to f6. Vacate g8 square for castling and control the center at same time.
My opponent move knight to d5 which is an Excellent move. The Knight now occupies an outpost, a secure square in the opponent's territory.
I did castle Kingside. Castling kingside tends to be safer because my king is further from the center.

My opponent capture my f6 knight with his knight. This maintain the balance in material with a good trade. I take back.
Game is running smooth, the turning point of the game was a blunder by my opponent when in 20th move, he capture my pawn with his knight and I capture his knight.

In 29th move my opponent capture Rook which is protect by bishop with his Queen which is big blunder. In next move I capture his Queen with my Bishop.

Now my position is very strong in the game. I start double attack mean check on king and attacking a piece at same time. I win the game in 41th move.
The final position of the game after checkmate is given below.

Thanks all chess lovers for Reading, Sharing and Voting especially @stayoutoftherz , @schamangerbert , @chessbrotherspro and @jaki01 for their encouragement of my posts which helps me to get motivated.

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