My Introduction

Hey there! My name is Destiny Erheriene Deon. A.K.A Wildthougts, A.K.A King Deon, A.K.A the latest cutie on Hive 😉.


Background & Origins

I'm from Delta State, Nigeria in Africa & a native of Urhobo. Urhobo is the major ethnic group in Delta State with social and cultural affinity to the Edo people of Nigeria.

I come from a family of so many! Polygamy mixed with polyandry 😁. My mom has 6 children, my dad has 11 but I'm the only child my mom has for my dad. Tricky, I know. 😂

Get it? If you don't get it, forget about it

And yes! I'm a final year student of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

[Deon during Petroleum Engineering Internship]

I'm also the last child of my mom who is late unfortunately. May her soul rest in peace. But it's been 13 years now so I'm kinda ok.
I'm quite introverted, a lover of science, art, nature & Chess!

Chess History

I first learned chess at an early age, actually I thought I learnt the game but I just knew the moves. Up until sometime in 2014 when I got into the University & met with @samostically & others who were part of the University chess team at the time, then I figured I was a fish (a novice chess player).

[A picture of Myself & @samostically during his signing out from the University]

But over the years as my love for the game grew stronger, so did my playing strength & in 2019 I won my first local tournament



I first heard about Steemit sometime in 2018 but at the time I didn't have any interest whatsoever in blogging or writing in general. But after the pandemic in 2020, after reading a handful of books & watching alot of productivity videos on YouTube, I figured I had a thing for writing & content creation in general. So I got re-introduced to Hive by my friend & colleague @samostically, gracias to you brother! & here I'm giving it a shot 🙂
Also shout out to @stayoutoftherz for the warm welcome to the chess community as I tried partaking in #hivechess tournament but got my ass wooped.

Goals & Expectations

2022 is about 10 days away & I feel as nervous as I'm excited about it (January 3rd is my birthday by the way 😉). 2022 is the year I'll be graduating from the University & I've so much I would love to accomplish. Here on Hive, I intend on posting contents on Productivity, Art, Nature & Chess atleast minimum of 3 posts per week for a start (maybe more, we'll see). Whichever way I do hope ya'll look forward to my posts because I bet you'd enjoy it.

Thank you for stopping by!

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