Lessons from the past, knowledge for the future [Mohamed_esam - vasigo 0-1]

Do you know the battle of Austerlitz? No? Well, it has happened in the year 1805. Allyed forces of Russian and Austrian emperes clashed with army of Napoleon's French empire. Just before the battle Russians and Austrians noticed that Franch troops were so weak that they should be destroyed by one charge. Russian marshall Kutuzov sniffed a trap, he adviced the emperor to make maneuvers around the field to avoid a trap and attack the main French force. But, young Russian emperor Alexander didn't care about advices of an old man. He payed attention to young offensive officers eager to prove themselves.

The battle started in the early morning. There was a fog, but not so dense to postpone the battle. While Austrian troops marched towards French positions Russian emperor ran to occupy the hill that dominated over the battlefield, the most important position in the whole battle. After he succeed, he was pleased with imminent victory over great war leader Napoleon. Shortly after, he sow French soldiers comming out of the fog. Then he had to run away altogether with his army. When Austrians noticed Russian retreat, they did the same.

Something similar has happened in the party I have played to Mohamed_esam at Lichess.

1.♙e4 ♟c5 2.♘f3 ♞c6, 3.߁c4 ♟d6, 4.♘g5 ♟h6, 5.♘xf7 ♛a5

Knight f7 had a double choice of whom to turn out, rook or queen. Well, king couldn't eat the knigh due to bishop c4. So, if there's one to save, than choice gets the one that more important. Queen is more important then a rook.


6.♘xh8 ♞d4, 7.♘f7 ♛b4, 8.♙b3 ♟f6, 9.♕c3 ♛b6, 10.♙cxd4 ♟cxd4, 11.♘xh6 ♞xe4, 12.♘g4 ♟d3, 13.♘e3 ♝f5,

White had to retreat due to Black counter attack.


14.O-O ♟d5, 15.♗xd5 ♛h6, 16.♗xb7 ♟e6,

Bishop b7 attacked rook a8, but didn't notice pown e6 has opened way to bishop a8. Instead of doing something to protect his lines, he ate easy pray. Than, bishop d6 has opened way for queen h6 to attack h2.

17.♗xa8 ♝d6


18.♘c3 ♛xh2#

Moving pown to g3 should cut off the action. But...


Mohamed_esam had early success just like emperor Alexander had at Austerlitz. He has easy cleaned up a lot of my figures, and didn't pay attention to moves I've made at line 6. After he noticed there's happening something wrong he have attacked knight e4, probably due to distance to the king. Just like Austrians attacked weak French troops at Austerlitz.

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