RE: Hivechess season 9 final result: @tungphong is the new champion!

but not so much in what is the most pragmatic way to beat an opponent (by being fast, or causing problems

While I played junior chess, my coach taught me some psychological ways to win at chess which worked well. She believed it was not so much about strength but about approaching the game with a strategy to prey on your opponent weaknesses. That was how I learnt the gambit systems i play today. Many say i play chess with tricks,even fide masters that i have beaten. I realized there was so much to winning a game than strength.

(and how fun gets completely lost if they aren't successful enough as they have to make a living from it).

This is really true! There are even GM's that dont make good living from all that knowledge. And analysts once compared studying medicine to studying chess.

Maybe you know that I created more than 70 chess problems, which I posted here when still being active on HIVE

I didn't but I could still find out. I was just curious. Thanks for the well detailed information. You can always find the right balance. I could play some rapid games with you on non-hive chess days If and only if you are free. You can then still join our blitz. Even in all,you are still on the podium


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