My hangover experience

Nothing can make me take alcohol in my life again

I messed up big time, hurt someone i never intended to hurt,said hurtful words that can never be erased.
I was broken cause the person felt disappointed in me.
I felt guilt,shame and I regretted my actions,apologize but then it felled on deaf ears.
I couldn't sleep without reminiscing about what transferred between us.
Two good night,I couldn't sleep and I badly wanted to be forgiven by the person I did hurt.
So I took alcohol,that moment I wasn't thinking straight,yes in movies people drink to forget their sorrows,so I got two sachet of Bitter Action.
Drank it at a gulp and I felt satisfied but dizzy and I actually dozed off.
Well for some movement,I could sleep without a care in the world,my worries and pains vanished, until I woke up,with a full stomach, like I shallowed something big, suddenly felt like puking and I let it all out,which later resolved to headache,it was so severe that I kept muttering nonsense and curses why I took it in the first place and I still needed to go to work.
I had a bad day and I kept asking myself why movies make drinking alcohol fun.

The hangover is terrible and it is something I can't handle 😩

Like! how do you people get over your hangover ??

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