Ching Ming Festival: Bringing Aunt to two different Cemeteries

Last week, I had a task of accompanying my Aunt to graveyard for Ching Ming.

My Aunt (my father-in-law's eldest sister) who is 80 years old now starts to realise she can't just daringly go wherever she wants due to some incident of legs suddenly became weak and she would just fall down without control. It was the week for Ching Ming festival last week, for us to clean our ancestors graves as well as visiting the grave. We are Christians so we do not need to have the prayer and burning items ceremony. Just a simple visit, cleaning the grave area and putting flowers.*

Aunt asked me to send her there, but I was not so familiar with the route, nor do I know where is the location of the grave. So, our close Pastor offered to help, she used to be my Aunt's main helper last time in all these, so she remembers.

Chrysanthemum and me!

Buying flowers

My father-in-law called to ask me for favour whether could I help to buy flowers. Of course! Just nearby my house. I went there and I was mesmerised by the flowers selection there. It is just a small shop at the road side runs by family, a humble shop, so I will support. Went to have a look at the chrysanthemum flowers as requested for grave-visiting purpose. Aunt preferred not too colourful, only yellow and white, although I really love all the variety of colours. So beautiful. Have a look around the shop!

Putting flowers in water

I only used the flowers the next morning, so the vendor had instructed me to put the flowers like this first.

To the cemetery

We had two destinations to go. One for Aunt's Mother. Another for Aunt's Father. We were thankful that the weather was good, no raining, only clear blue sky.

Government Chinese Cemetery

This one was properly run by government, very clean. We took some time to locate the grave lot because it had been 5 years since we last came and a lot had changed. Luckily we remembered the roundabout and finally we found it.

Aunt took some time alone to make a simple heart-to-heart talking to her Mother. We gave her the space. And then we clean it together. Not too dirty so it was a quick one.

Kwang Tong cemetery Sg Besi

Next, we drove here. And we were very hungry! There was a small shop here for breakfast and we took a real quick 15-minute brekkie.

I had 'Chee cheong fun' aka rice roll and side ingredients. Very delicious. I settled my breakfast in 5 minutes haha.

Then, we started to locate the grave again because my Aunt started to forgot it already. We prayed and walking here and there, finally we found it. Luckily at least Aunt remembered it was either aisle 1 or aisle 2.

We found it and was dismayed that it looked really run-down. The owner of the land said the land kept sinking, was being their control.

Aunt said luckily she didn't come alone, because it was a steep uneven climb of stairs. And she needed some help to pull her up actually, coz she almost trip and fell too.

We took some time to clean the grave under super hot sun. And also negotiating with the boss to refurbish the grave and do up the cement.

Aunt also took some time for short talking to her Father. And somehow I just felt she missed her Father, he died young. But she told me now that she can pray it Father in Heaven, so it's the same.

Our mission had accomplished. Or rather, her mission had accomplished — to visit both parents' graveyard at the same time, let me jot down the location, whereabouts, so called she had passed to job to me. Haha. She said she is not sure will she still be as mobile next year considering her legs start to grow weaker, so if can, I can help her visit the graves. Okay, no problem! Aunt, you are a great daughter!

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