Crying in the rain | Painting art 💧

This is the 1st time using Autodesk Sketchbook on tablet to draw, it is pretty new to me and I'm not really used to it. But drawing on tablet it do be pretty convenient. As I don't need stick my butt on my working desk to draw anymore. I can paint anywhere!

This is the 1st completed tablet drawing I did.
Draft, I'm planning to give her water hair XD

Base colour and some rendering.

I do have hard time blending the colours together

Continue rendering....

I was struggling with the water hair. I do paint with some reference but I'm not really sure if I'm doing the right thing. xD

Water droplets rendering.

The droplets are cute to me haha.

I adjusted the colour by layering some blue overlay on top and adjusting the brightness. Now it looks better. Final!

I do notice the blending is a problem with this painting, but I'm sure I can improve over time.
Also realized painting on tablet does make my eye really sore. I need to control the time for using the tablet.
Thank you for reading!
Hope you have a nice day! ❤️

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