Artists.. Let's Connect!!

It's no secret how Hive works... the people who really succeed are the ones who connect and interact!
Don't be a shadow!! LETS CONNECT!!

My intention for this post is to reach out and urge you to connect with me! But not just me... connect with others!!!! (And il show you a few recent characters while im here)

It's so easy... drop comments on the art you like, reblog, share and follow more!!

This platform is built on networking
if you are here to post and fish for upvotes but you don't interact it just doesn't seem genuine and won't get you far...
Here's another BitLawd to hold your attention..

Follow me - if I like what you do I will follow you back! Chances are if you are an artist I will LOVE what you do... what are you waiting for?? Connect connect connect

Bleep bloop bleeeep blip

3 columns
2 columns
1 column