Why Does Art Matter?

At first, I planned to approach this topic by examining the historical significance of art and painting in particular. However, after watching a documentary on human psychology, I decided to take a more personal approach. Why does art matter to me?

Before I started posing for art classes, I had already realized that the career path I had imagined for myself (being an ambassador for Croatia) was not what I truly wanted. I was in my third year of university and I knew I needed to finish my degree, but I felt like it wouldn't be my life's journey.

My university days

Around this time, I came across an American philosopher who posed a thought-provoking question: "What would you like to do if money were no object?" In other words, what would you do if you had all the money in the world and didn't need to work for it?

I pondered this question for a long time, but no answer came to me. I felt like the answer would point me in the right direction. However, after being a life model for over a year and starting to paint on my own, I began to feel the joy that painting brought me. Every brush stroke absorbed me, and time flew by (as I described in greater detail in this post). Painting became a relaxing and meditative experience, and I found myself living in the present moment like never before.

TuiSada - A flower in a meadow

After a while, I thought I might have found the answer to that question I had been holding onto for so long. If money were no object, I would like to paint.

So, I did. I used every free moment to paint in my room or at Hrvoje's atelier during drawing and painting classes. I still needed to work part-time jobs to make money for other things I wanted to do, but my passion for painting continued to grow.

TuiSada, painting in my room

After less than a year of painting, I decided to have my paintings exhibited. I talked to one of my bosses about having an exhibition at their showroom, and they agreed. The exhibition featured two of my paintings with a cloud theme, which I will share in the coming days. I also spoke with a friend who owned a bar in the center of Zagreb, and he agreed to display my paintings as well. In that bar, I exhibited some of my early, abstract, and colorful artworks.

I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in buying my paintings, or if I could sustain myself from art. However, two of the paintings exhibited in the showroom were sold, which was a huge boost to my artistic career. I was grateful that someone was interested enough to buy my paintings, and I used the money to pay off my university debts.

Tui Sada, exhibition in Express bar

Over time, I organized more exhibitions in Zagreb, Milan, London, and Barcelona. While I am not an academic painter, this has not stopped me from pushing forward and exploring the world of art, painting, exhibiting, and even making a living from my artworks. I like to joke: "I am a diplomat by profession and a painter by passion."

Tui Sada, MAD Gallery Milano

Almost eight years have passed since I first picked up a brush and started painting. While I am not able to sustain myself and my family solely by selling my paintings, prints, and other materials (like the ones found on Redbubble), I continue to have a steady job to support myself financially. I enjoy using my free time to paint, play, and explore this new world of art. It is a constant source of inspiration, and I've noticed how my interest in the different themes I paint has changed over the years, as I continue to use painting for self-expression and personal growth.

To conclude, art matters to me because it teaches me to keep moving forward, despite any obstacles I may encounter. The good and the bad come together, but I continue to strive for my passion.

All the text and images in this post are mine unless otherwise stated!
All rights reserved worldwide!

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