Teal Beauty | tinty.art |

Teal Beauty

I don't know why but in the past few months teal has become one of the most used colors in my art pieces. It makes me happy and it's just so easy and beautiful to work with.
It makes me smile when I look at it and it has this amazing texture which is so beautiful to work with.
Also to combine pink n teal makes me tell tingly inside of me.

Portraits like this I usually do completely freestyle from a picture without a sketch or anything, just from a picture transporting it directly on the canvas with paint. It's a little risky and a little scary but also trains the eye-hand connection which I love to do with smaller pieces like that :)


This beauty is available in my shop and probably soon as nft as well like her sister :)

Find my art on @nftshowroom! If you're interested leave me a follow :)
nftshowroom gallery

Can't wait to share more of my art soon, until then, stay funky


If you're interested in my work, want to get a print or a original piece which isn't attached to an nft, give me a visit on tinty.art

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