Digital art of a fisherman and his boat.

Hello people!
Well come back to another digital art.This time I put more effort than the effort to create previous one.

Entire drawing is done on Android phone with a finger. No pen or pencil is used.This my journey to digital art and this isy second art.

↪️↪️Today's art is a fishing boat in the river which is driven by a fisher man.The fist step was to shape a simple boat as you can see below.


↪️↪️Next I tried to shape the enviornment with a sun could & waters and also shaded the boat a little bit. Check it below.

↪️↪️The problem was to fit a man on the boat in short space. As putting details with a finger was not possible , I draw it separately. The picture below was not perfect but when it is to fitted in a short space ,it was okay. Check it below.

↪️↪️I used a application called background remover to get the figure only.The figure has one leg in odd position to fit it on the boat. You can see it in the picture below.

↪️↪️Next I erased the leg which was not fit sitting on a boat.Erasing it was a tough job because shading would be disturbed.But after trying hard I managed to get the shading balanced to the enviornment.I finally I got what I wanted.check it below


↪️↪️What a relief after working for 6 hours approx. If it were non digital art and I used pen or pencil to draw it, it would be very easy to draw it but God knows how hard it was for me. I am gradually learning how to use the app. Next time I am planing to colorful art.

I hope you liked my work.

Thank you so much for visiting.

Have a great day.

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