Minted and listed.

O shit, I minted, and listed my very first NFT on Foundation. You might know that the first platform I dropped NFTs on, was MakersPlace. However, I was still looking for a platform that would accept photography in its pure form. This means, solid, fine art, not heavily adjusted kind of work.

And even with Foundation, I had a hard time selecting my work. Because, where would I start?

The best start would be to mint something I can never stop looking at, and that would be the ceiling of the ballroom in Palais Garnier (also known for the Phantom of the Opera), it's the most famous opera in the world and an iconic building for France that covers the Neo-Baroque. Just look at that ceiling... and there are sooo many more ceilings in this opera, it is mind-blowing every single time you walk in a room.


Just look at the details. Astonishing. I'm so happy with this photograph and all the information is within. It simply showcases the amount of work, time, and love that went into creating this amazing building.

Fees versus Legacy

But what the actual fuck. I paid about 125$ in gas fees to drop this. And I know "you should've waited for a drop in gas fees", but I don't really care to be honest.

I'll slowly be dropping my legacy on Foundation. With a gallery with work that I'm most proud of.


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