Acrylic painting "Autumn Dance" - Painting Process

Autumn dance
Acrylic on canvas
Diameter = 116cm

I would like to share a painting process created with acrylics and various leaves which I used as a stencil.

Working with round canvases truly is a special feeling and I would encourage all you painters out there who are avoiding them, to give them a try:)
To accomplish mesmerizing effect, I decided to paint a spiral composition within which I stenciled out leaves later on. Spiral composition seemed like an ideal choice for canvas that is shaped like a circle.

For starters, I am picking out the leaves. I used different types of leaves, from hedges to various types of trees.

As always, applying the base would be the first step of the painting process.
I picked out reddish black for the base, and continued with greens, turquoise and blues. For highlights I have chosen warm yellows, orange color with a hints of white. Deep reds are added to warm the painting up a little bit, and the cold light blue was applied to as the main accent - five big leaves circularly appearing throughout the canvas.

For leaf "stenciling" I used acrylics and little paint roller.
Below is the photograph showing the painting process, there you can see the process on which this painting is based:

The leaf painting process was continued in the same spiral manner until reaching the center. After that it was left only to apply another layer of leaves and break the pattern in certain places by changing direction and color.

Finished Piece :

Thank you stopping by,
Have a nice day:)

See other artworks on @petraa

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