OCA Daily Favs Curation Report


@midlet speaking
Well it's been a while since we've done one of these, and I'll spare you all the usual excuses and get down to business. As I mentioned in a previous post, @jotakrevs will be taking the lead on writing these up from now on, so they'll hopefully be a bit more frequent. On with the show, take it away @jotakrevs!



Feature @ gric artworks is always a pleasure. They are outstanding. The amount of detail and meaning put in them is simply amazing. This particular one, Into the Vortex, is like a trip into the deepest places of our memories, that place were all of them converge tro bring life to a new thought. Or I have just too much imagination. And that's the point, an awesome piece of art like this one, can tickle different cords in each of us. Pure magic!



It's nice to see @ ahmadturki coming back with a new 3D artwork. We got catched by the scene that he have built, that's talent. Is very appreciated be able to see some steps of the process he followed to create this artwork. We are lucky to have talented artists like him in our community. Now we wonder what happened there... how they ended landing in this desolate planet? The lights are quite dramatic, maybe an accident? We won't never know, but guess about is funny. Awesome artwork!



Everybody agree, @ rowye is a very talented artist. This time, he show us some background about his evolution as artist. In this case an artwork from a few years ago, and he tells us how he did things like this to practice and improve. And well, maybe it started as plain practice but ended being amazing. I love the color and lighting, and the concept as well. I don't know if there is concept, maybe is only in my head... and well, again, that's magic! Is very worthy spend a while looking at the process gif that is at the bottom of the post. Is amazing to see how the artwork evolved, step by step. Good job!



I'm enjoying so much to write today's features. Our community have a lot of talented artists. We always love @ leoplaw artowrks. The control of the light, anatomy, composition... is just aoutstanding. Who has not been fascinated looking at his paintings of hands for a quite long time? In this case, the full body is not less impressing. It feels very real, the tension in the tendons and the muscles is like the one I would feel in such posture. This painting is amazing and the best thing is that even is not toally over, is already outstanding!



"And she emerged from the deep sea, reborn" What can we say, we really love @ barbarabezina art. I said many times that her artworks are like to dive the deepest places of ourselves, and it can be often a trip to the darkness. But there is not darkenss without light, or light without darkness. After such journey, we come back more wise and full of life. And this is what makes me feel this beautiful artwork, a sunrise after a long night. Keep you amazing work!

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