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Sunset in Aleppy


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Haven't painted sunset for a long time. So today was the time to get Hansa yellow wet.
Started without any sketch .. Yellow along with orange and gamboge sky turned bright. And this time I planned to keep sun early where I want and it worked really well. And the secret to get nice streaks, keep the paper other way around 😁👍

Added little greyish in the bottom mixing violet ultramarine, a tinge of crimson and little orange to it. Followed by some wet in wet far away trees with blue and green, a small patch of green just below and the dark near horizon.

Now I sketched the boat and it's time to paint water.

First layer of water is done and the sky part is dry so can paint the mid ground foliage. When the water is still wet it's time to paint the darker near waves and once it dries can finish off the boat.

Timing is very key in watercolor painting. To know the level of wetness of the paper and application of eight amount of pigment can be mastered only by practicing. Different wetness levels give different results so have to plan things well. If you miss the train, have very less chance of catching it back.


10x14 in 440gsm handmade cotton paper
Total time 1 hr.