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Boating in Srinagar


This is based on a photo by my friend Manoj taken at Srinagar. Thought of trying it out on Saunders Waterford paper. I have done only two tiny paintings in that block - the Pushkar camel and the sleeping Red panda. Those two shared the first sheet.
This deserved the full 9x12 paper.

Did spend some 15 min on sky and water base layer

It was wonderful to find the gradients blend and flow so well. I could lift off almost 90% pigment and rework on the small patches of clouds.

Painted the surroundings next . This was easy as not much details were needed.
Finally finished up the boat


Final painting

Paper makes a difference.. and so do practice!
Today was a great day with 2 paintings coming up well .. Watercolor god's blessed!

Total time : 90 min
Saunders Waterford cold press 300 gsm 9x12 in paper.