Baby Unicorn | šŸ¦„ Onchainart

Hello Everyone!

My hands always want to be creative and also i want to make my days creative and productive. These days i am spending my off days from academic activities so i am spending much of my time in drawing and creating different characters. It's my leisure activity which you can name as my hobby.

Today, i gathered every important tool and stuff to paint and draw a baby unicorn šŸ¦„ which is one unique character of Spinterlands. It's for week 297 contest of Spinterlands.


  • Sketchbook
  • Brushes
  • Water
  • Black Marker

Here's everything and it's time to start.

At the very first step, i sketched baby unicorn. It was looking beauriful in simplistic shape too but i am going to color it with which it will look more pleasing.

To add details in baby unicorn, i have to add layers of colors into it. While i waking this baby unicorn, light went off. These days i am very much struggling with this issue of load shedding. Probably, you wont be aware of what is load shedding. Well, instead of all these issues we should enjoy our art work.

The grey color is looking amazing on baby unicorn but still there are many parts where color is missing and i have to create shadow like color to give it more realistic shape.

Initially, i just applied sky color lightly but then i have to make it more deeper. Dark color will look good. You know what mishaped happened, while i was drawing this unicorn? Let me explain it to you; i was making one unique horn of unicorn which is symbol of it but ny cousin came and ruined my drawing by spreading water on it. Literally, i cried but then i tried my level best to make it perfect again.

Around the horn( unique symbol of unicorn), i added sparkle like purplish color which is giving cosmic effect to it.

Here's the final result. I hope you loved it as usual. This took my two complete hours but i am happy with results.

Baby Unicorn

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