The end of an era

The end of an era

"In that instant...the clown stopped laughing...and there was silence."

This work originated as an examination project. I had to use certain elements (such as fabric and fibers) and create a work in which they were present and visible. I decided to use them in a classic way but to contextualize the project by giving it an intriguing look.

The result is a diorama, depicting a hypothetical scene of the famous superhero "Batman" and his arch enemy: the "Joker". In that scene, the Dark Knight's batarang hit the piece of cloth, which is usually attached to the end of the clown's gun, and blocked it by sticking it into the ground. Such an event obviously symbolizes the defeat of the Joker.

Technically speaking the realization was very interesting: elements such as the road, the manhole cover and the batarang were extremely intriguing to make and allowed me to experiment with new techniques or to use known ones but in new ways.

This project is now available on NFT Showroom, with a size of 2160x2160. It is a project that has amused and intrigued me in all aspects of its realisation and I hope you can appreciate it.







Also, if you like the style you might enjoy other projects that are available in my NFT Showroom gallery.

My NFT Gallery

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