Fictitious Numbers

The numbers... Some people find the meaning of life in them, some of them are using only for counting. Engineers try to fit them in formulas while there are divine ones in the science community. For an accountant, they may have a meaning only in gross sum. But for a hawker, numbers build up slowly for a living. For kids, we introduce numbers with the fingers in their hands. And as we grow, we believe that the more we see in the bank account is the more we are secure.

Also, we always start counting at number 1 while avoiding zero. But on the other hand, the more zeros we put to the right side, is the more value we accredit.

Below are the digits from my imagination. Nothing special with the narrative. I just tried to fit every one of them to what it looked like.


If you like to spare some moments to stare them in detail, below you can find a still image with a dark backdrop. The beauty is, there are only 10 digits from 0 to 9 but you can generate infinitely many numbers with them. And I hope as we connotate some stuff, we may derive infinitely many fictions out of them.

As you know we had superheroes in our childhood with specific superpowers. What I believe now is the superpower is within us, within our elder body... which is imagination. If you are imaginative enough, you are creating something. If you are creating something that means you are living.

numbers layout.jpg

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