Red And Blue Pen Drawing 08-02-2023(When You Have Nothing To Do)

Red And Blue Pen Drawing 08-02-2023(When You Have Nothing To Do)

Hello friend's! hiver's! Artist's! and hive Community members
How are you guys?? hope you all are well







Friends today is the date 10th February and it is now time and now it is in the night and I am writing this post
And right now I am sitting in office and writing this post because when you have nothing to do you always do something to keep yourself busy it took me 1/2 hour to make this drawing One of the reasons for doing it from the office is that my office time was left and I have nothing to do, due to which I am writing now, red and blue ball pens have been used in the post, this anime character I saw in a post on instagram, he improved it a lot and I have made a lot of changes in it.
painting I also like it very much but it requires a lot of time and materials so I like to draw this drawing

I Hope you all will like this drawing, only red and blue pen has been used in it.

some previous post in #art community








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08\02\2023 Wednesday

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