The Spiral Fountain- Art Process


Hi guys! I've finally minted the next art in the adventure series. I really should figure out a better less cliche name for it xD

Full resolution and story:
It's already sold out _


I started with colors without any pre-planning. The colors usually inspire me what to draw next, if not I try different colors. I've been trying to pre-plan painting recently, but it ends up feeling more rigid/less vibrant that way.


The early stage is really quick, so it's easier to scrap a painting if it's not inspiring. The following is an example of a painting I scrapped. It's missing contrast, focal point and colors are dull. Moreover, I added the perspective grid too soon. It's better to paint some basic perspective and then add the grid to match the art instead of other way around.


I adjusted the grid several times, till it felt right. The problem is perspective isn't really noticeable until it feels wrong. So it's better to do it right, or simplify the art so it doesn't need perspective. I forgot to save more steps, but the spiral took quite some time to draw "right". I should have maybe drawn the spiral front view and then used transform tools to fit it into perspective, but I prefer freehand as then it looks more "painterly" than photoshoshoped.


The animation is 6 frames, and I painted it frame by frame. I duplicate and move some parts, and then paint over. The animation in the post isn't even final, check the link above for the cleaned up version. Feel free to ask any additional questions in the comments.


Dragon Head Winners: @adamada ; Pixelart Community Comment: @nameless16

Also I've pulished the housy on NFT Showroom _


I'll probably make the post about it tomorrow :)

New giveaway: xD I just loove doing these, if you're bored of them, please let me know!
I've set one of my artworks to 0.001Hive, so basically free. I'll do this once a day for the rest of this week. After 24h if no one claims it, I'll rest it and set the low price for the next one.
Have fun finding it!

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