Holy Nights Art Project

For the Solstice; bleeding tissue paper and glue on paper with acrylic and oil pastel

I started this Holy Nights Rosicrucian Art Project with this Artist friend.

The meaning for me seems to be that things are not always what they seem - things that are scary very well may be harmless and things that seem to be one way may be another way and may be just an illusion.

It's based on this book


What we are tasked to do is to make an abstract collage out of bleeding tissue paper in a mixed media sketch book leaving 3 pages in between from the early morning of December 25th - daily till January 6th, which is 13 days.

Then each month we bring out the images in each piece and write about each piece as it is influenced by each of the Astrological bodies of the month - thus informing the year. We leave each piece in the sketchbook.

This piece I did to set my intention for the year... I also wrote an intention first.

Here are some of the the book pages if anyone wants to follow this.








But what was really crazy about it was that I noticed in my sketchbook that I had done about 4 drawings that lead up to this one...


This one I finished today - and I noticed she has a spaceship that just mimicks the moon above her head and there is a strong light source coming from the upper left.

One of the fish is jumping into the bowl she is holding and it's splashing before he lands in it.

Also it's strikingly divided into black and white - black on the left and white on the right.


This one was from the day my boss quit at my job - now remember my other friend was fired a few weeks ago and on this day my boss who is also my friend who hired me - resigned. I felt stunned.


this one I did on the 15th when I asked to be shown if I should attend Psychic School... and I was shown that I don't need to because I am doing just fine on my own. Psychic School would be more for the community but all of them are on ZOOM even if they are nearby - and I just detest this move to zoom.


This one I did on the 14th and it was about my beautiful relationship with God came out of my lowest point in my life.

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