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The First and ONLY Artwork EVER That Came Out EXACTLY How I Saw It In My Head!

Hey all!
I wanted to share this artwork with you as it's a very important one to me. As artists, we can see something in our head, and then we have to try and bring it to life. But somewhere between it existing in your head and the piece of paper 100 little tweaks and difference seem to appear, and although you may still be totally happy with your artwork, you know its not the visual you had in your head.

I remember reading this quote about artists personal styles a few years ago, I don't remember where on earth I read it, or even the exact wording, but it went something like.... "Your style is the difference between what you see in your head and what comes out onto the paper." When I read this, something inside me shifted as an artist. I will always try and capture on paper the visual I can see in my head.... but I now no longer get mad when it doesn't come out exactly how I see it..... thats my style being expressed, and I'm ok with that :)

Anyway, this artwork is so important to me because it is the exact EXACT vision I had in my head. I was sitting in my studio sketching out ideas for the "Leo" artwork in my Zodiac Series, and BOOM!!! All of a sudden all the little elements clicked into place, and I could see it!!!!! What I did next was really interesting.... I was suddenly struck with the craving to go swim laps. So, I listened. While swimming methodically up and down the pool my body was on total auto-pilot (swimming is something I spent a lot of years training in so my body knows what to do!), and my mind was able to run free. I went over every single element of the artwork, what I wanted every section to look like.... I made it so incredibly vivid that by the time I got home to sketch it out it was like my hand wasn't my own.

Here it is :)

I haven't had this experience before this or since. But I hope as I advance in my career as an artist this is something that happens more regularly!!

The artwork was created with 100 000 + tiny penwork dots, with some linework done in gold Gouache. It sold really quickly hanging in a local beach cafe :)