Filthy February - Mr.Photo´s February photography exclusively on display on HIVE Blokchain with a 100% POWER UP!

Hello there, eager fans, friends, and foes alike! Since the amazingly successful launch of my monthly photography extravaganza here on the blockchain was received with such fanatic adoration and glorification of an individual, (me of course). I deliver this one sloppily late because it's that good! I just spent more time chilling, getting to know my body and stuff, (masturbating).

Filthy February contains the current top levels of Scandinavian fringe photography and is critically acclaimed as being the most daring on that specific scene. You are welcome, let us start!


Yeah, that's right, this flower in the arctic covers the monthly prestigious photographic publication!

That's because that image is my favorite of the month!

Well to the reality of the situation, flowers aren't blossoming at the moment, nor were they in February. which as well as January, (and most months, part of Iceland's "cold season") the few first following images depict that well


The images above and below bare witness to this!


Heavy machinery refills the gas tanks before keeping on piling snow from the streets.


This idiot hit my grandparents' window! I was sleeping there at the time, (staying), and was massively high, so when that thing hit the balcony of the room I was in, I admit to having been "startled", in a main and orderly fashion though of course!



Above the view from "my room" when I stay there, at my grandparents, also I quite much grew up there, so I'm fond of the image, the sky is beautiful in my opinion, and I like how I compose the buildings in the frame, (learn this boys and girls) ;)

Below, my mother's girlfriend has this little chewawa named Ramses, ... I don't really wanna talk about him! ... (if you have nothing nice to say, and all that).


However, you might find it interesting. Due to the abundance of natural hot water sources, there are swimming pools in almost every town, even the smallest ones. Here is a semi "water park" operating like it ain't nothing in mid-winter.


Mid winter we, however, are forced to play for example football indoors, here is well, a portion of a local sports hall, this shot reminded me so of a face, a mouth, and such, so it had to be published, even have its day in the sun!


The door on this one is also, lol. it's a nice thing ending tfilthythy February post depicting two architectural images kind of depicting facial features. i didnt even plan on that shit! but from now on no one will look at photography and architecture the same!


But in all seriousness, at the finishing of this post, I put the Support Ukraine / HIVE logo my woman person @amanda.yrr made the other day. and i encourage you to use it, and support the Ukrainian people's fierce fight for their lives!

Well ukrain.jpg

That's all, i hope february was good too you, and also March, soon the march publishing will be upon us, (it won't be late), it got some juicy stuff, i tell you!


Your friend and frienemy!

Mr. Eythorphoto


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