"Don't trust beautiful girls!" My character drawing

Mythical creatures of different peoples are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. This time, the creature of Brox from Jewish folklore attracted my attention.
In folklore of medieval Jewish communities of Europe Broxa is a shape-shifting witch, who drinks blood of her victims at night. Broxa was sometimes regarded as spirit and sometimes as creature in her physical form. It is evident, that Broxa is borrowed from european beliefs about blood-drinking witches, who were able to shift their shape, and shares many similarities to Bruxa.

My character drawing

I decided to invent duality in this image and draw a terrible witch who hides behind the mask of a beautiful girl. That's how she hunts her victims and goes unnoticed in the crowd.
Although for this character it was possible to come up with a more modern story, which reads: "Do not trust strangers, especially if they are beautiful girls")

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