Black is Beautiful | Drawing with the Note 10+

I think I may have slightly suffered from artist's block.

In my previous post, I did say I was working on some WIPs (that do not seem to get closer to the finish line any sooner). I blame it mostly to my high tendency to be distracted and get bored easily. My brain is always in overdrive and speeding up way faster than my limbs can, so I can see what I wanted my work to end up as before I can even execute it.

And I'll think, "Why bother drawing this anyway, when it's already drawn in my imagination?" Does that make sense?

Regardless, I ended up starting another work that, well, I completed (thankfully). It's another portrait. (Someday, I'll try to find interesting portraits with male models).

Drawing Black is Beautiful

I love the original portrait photography from which this drawing is based. I found it (again) on Pinterest and realized that it was literally an award-winning creative portrait by portrait and fashion photographer Jai Mayhew. I hope I did her work justice in this digital painting.

I enjoyed drawing her. If I were to choose my favorite and least favorite parts to draw in this piece, however, I'd say it's the face and the white lilies, respectively.

While I love flowers so much, drawing them can be a bit too tedious for me. I don't know why!

I worked on a split screen again (except when I was sketching) because of work running on my laptop, which I usually use as second screen. Unfortunately, I couldn't trust my eyes when viewing the reference in my laptop when coloring. (My phone and laptop's display settings are sooo different, that using either for reference viewing can change saturation big time.)

At any rate, coloring her was an enjoyable task. Except when I was coloring the flowers. But I think they still ended up OK!

To be fair, I don't think the flowers in my drawing looked all that bad, except I just didn't have fun doing them. Hahaha!


  • Device: Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
  • Apps:
  • Brushes: watercolor (at varying opacity settings); pencil (100% opacity); smudge; blur


One of my best friends got married the other day. She is in Italy, while I and our other best friends are here in the Philippines. The four of us hadn't talked in literally 3 years except for the occasional and random chats.

This best friend of ours (the bride) always reminded me of white tiger lilies because she's fair-skinned and really pretty. So she definitely crossed my mind when I found the reference portrait photograph of this piece. :)

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