Hello dear friends of Hive, I hope you are very well.

These last weeks I have been somewhat dispersed, thinking about some projects, trying to generate tasks to be able to give them a closure; I am usually the type of person who always has a lot of personal projects on top of them with an incessant intrigue of when to end them. For now, the cluster continues to grow.

About a month or so ago, I signed up for NFT, the truth is I must confess that I did not know what this was all about until I came across several publications on this topic of tokenized art.

Except for two or three things, everything I have produced since the middle of last year has been digital, so I said to myself * why not do it * until today I have had a great reception with the pieces that I have uploaded to my gallery. I also take the opportunity to thank my friend @juliakponsford , who from the beginning has supported me in one way or another in this incredible community –this is how I perceive it.

The illustration that I share with you today is newly minted in NFT Showroom, it is the last thing I have done. At the moment I think I am in a process of transition that I really have no idea where it will lead me, I mean the fact that I have been dissatisfied with the way I have carried out my plastic work, I think I am in a search, for the sake of improving my graphic style or just changing it. Or maybe all this mess is due to the fact that this forced confinement has not allowed me to draw at the rate that I did before, which may sound illogical because I am supposed to have more time for that, but what happens is that I like to draw directly, with natural model.


By the way, I have a slight degree of dyslexia, until a moment ago I realized that I foolishly signed the piece with the wrong year number - I had thought about changing it, but it is already a bit late.

I also thank all those who have purchased pieces from my gallery, it makes me very happy to know that they like my work.

All rights reserved



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