A Series Of Hive Boobs + Personal Development= "The Hivefies" - I control my beliefs, moods, and choices!

Hive Kinky AF.jpeg (Ok so this pic isn't big on the cleavage but I feel like it's still a good one because of what my shirt says lol! I want to thank @Ryzeonline for making me into art and for adding my "Hive tattoo" to my favorite shirt!)

I started a list recently about a few things that I have been transforming in my life lately. You can see the post here.

I decided to do a post on each topic on the list to bring some boobs and personal dev onto Hive (though I'm noticing that any posts not about Hive don't get much play but that's ok.)

Today's topic is: I am in control of my beliefs, moods, and choices.

Before I met J-Ryze (if you don't know him, he's the Teacher Of Rebels and my partner & mentor) I thought life happened TO me.

But when we met he asked me..."Do you want to let outside influences make your choices for you?"

And the answer was hell no! I was a heroin & pain pill addict for years. I hated having something outside of myself controlling my life. I decided that I would be in control. I decide how my life goes.

First I learned that I am the co-creator of my life and that I decide what I want, how fast I get it, and how easy it is.


By taking control of my beliefs.

I realized I had a ton of sh*t beliefs in my life. I believed that making money was hard. That getting leads and clients was hard. That transformation was hard and took a long time...and on and on the bad beliefs were piled up high on my shoulders.

But then I started to talk to Jay more and more about this and then I started teaching this to others.

And this weird thing happened....I woke up one day and realized that EVERYTHING in my life (good and bad) was under my control.

If the good was my fault then the bad was too. And I could change it immediately with a decision. So I did.

Now, I'm not saying this went super smoothly and all was well immediately. No, as I said in my original post, I had to go through many dark nights of my soul to get past the crap beliefs I had built up over my lifetime.

It wasn't easy but it was simple. And once I owned my beliefs, then I could work on my moods.

When people say "do what you love" what they really mean is: Be happy all the time. No matter what you do, make it fun. If you can't make it fun then DON'T DO IT

Keeping my mood high was harder than I expected. I figured, oh I'm a happy person this one will be easy. Wrong. LOL!

I AM a happy person but I have a lot of old habits that like to try and creep in. And if you're not keeping those beliefs in check, and focusing on being happy then the sadness, anxiety, depression can and will take over.

I had to MAKE myself happy. I would ask "Is this making me happy?" over and over throughout a task. It's getting easier for me and I don't have to ask as much. Now, I can tell by how I'm feeling.

Am I moving around a lot in my work space? Am I being distracted by Tik Tok? Am I getting up a lot and looking for snacks? Am I looking for stuff to watch on my phone?

These are my "non fun" warnings. I'm sure you have your own when you're doing something you don't want to do. That's your body's way of trying to warn you that this isn't fun for you so STOP.

Once I realized that my body was warning me then my moods were easier to control. Ok feeling crunchy? Get up and dance! Moving my body puts me in a fun and happy state. I LOVE to dance (and other things hehe but dancing helps me instantly).

These "triggers" warn me and I take them seriously! I know if I'm fidgeting then it's time to stop what I'm doing and dance.

Controlling my beliefs and moods has started to become more natural. I don't have to think about it as much or check in with myself as often. I'm starting to notice quicker and easier, which is exactly what I intended.

Being in control of my beliefs, and moods made controlling my choices even easier.

I started asking myself..."Is this bringing me closer to my goals of who I want to be and what I want to do?"

If the answer is no then I don't do it.

If the answer is yes then I ask myself, "Is it fun?" "Am I enjoying this task?" If not then I find a way to make it fun and if I can't find a way then I stop doing it.

My choices are all mine to make. I get up and decide what to eat for breakfast. I decide when to have my coffee, when to shower, when or if to stick to my schedule. No one but ME decides.

So if this is true then I can decide to make choices to grow my business or kill my business.

And since all these changes, I've found it simple. If the choice in front of me isn't going to move my business forward, help J-Ryze get the recognition that I'm after, or help me get attention then I'm not doing it. Period.

If I, a former addict and angry human, can learn
to control my beliefs, moods, and choices to change my life and get closer to my dreams...then so can you. I'm not special. I'm just me. Unashamedly me.

And you can do it too. I believe in you.

~Love, Cyn

If you want to know more about what J-Ryze and I do...you can check out our website-> https://jryze.me

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