A Journey From Here To *Here* - page 8

Hallo Art Friends,

Here's my page 8 of this art book and journey I've been documenting and sharing around... Scroll down for the links to all the previous posts.


This drawing/ page was created on the big ferry going from Rosyth to Zeebrugge, I believe: the first major stage of the journey, where I left solid ground of Scotland and was officially 'journeying'. I had a beautiful time on the ferry - bumped into someone I knew from art school, and then had a chat in very bad Greek with the captain of the ship, which was one of the big Greek inter-island ferries in a previous incarnation.


I felt this strange freedom and fear - perfectly balanced - as the trip unfolded: all my neuroses and built-up tensions from living in a city and mourning multiple losses... all hyper-present - and all falling away at the very same time. A fascinating catharsis.


Sometimes, I would repeat figures in the making of this book: I was drawing on a big ream of papers, one drawing after another, and the imagery accumulated - I could see through several sheets of what I'd drawn before. Then at the end of the pile, when it came back to the first page I'd drawn again - I bound them into a proper book...


The text in this page expresses the disjointedness of my mental-emotional-physical-spiritual body at the time: to me, it shows the kind of grasping hunger that one easily develops in a city - a needy kind of reaching, always, for what never fills one up...


Again, the act of just moving created this dynamic of emptying, and this felt euphoric in certain moments - though it equally felt terrifying and vulnerable, too.

Blessings on your journey through today,


visit my website here

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The previous posts made about these art book pages can be viewed via the following links:








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