A Journey From Here To HERE - page 3

Hallo Art Friends,

This is page 3, as I started my journey by bicycle, ferry and train, from Scotland to Slovenia... See below for the links to the earlier posts introducing and documenting this art book.


This page might have been drawn on the ferry journey, or in the train on the way to Rosyth, or in my flat in the council hi-rise estate in Edinburgh.


Many of the drawings in this book have text, though it is not a narrative storybook. The text in my paintings is always flowing from spontaneous sort of channeling, rather than my thinking with front-lobe conscious about what to write. It often doesn't even make sense to me at the time, and then later makes much more sense.


Here, the pencil handwritten text is about boundaries, or lack of them. This has been such a huge issue in my life: healthy boundary, knowing when to say no thank you, asking others to respect my space, privacy, peace...


All in all, over recent years in particular studying law, Natural Law and sovereignty, I'm very clear that the majority of average folks know very little about their inalienable rights, and are absolutely inept at either holding a line for their own sovereignty, or respecting others'.

So; I am not alone! And, it's absolutely healthy to have strong feelings about others' perpetual presumed rights to intrude, interfere, question and interrupt! Our culture might frown on negative emotion expressed, particularly by women, BUT FUCK THAT: if an other gets into our space, demanding attention and energy but without our consenting to share our attention and energy - they might well receive a justified Natural Law rebutt/ rebuff :-) This might include a frown.

This journey in 2006-7 involved an immense amount of boundary-drawing, and this was a wonderful exercise to strengthen where my recent miscarriage in particular had been caused me a loss of focus, trust in my body and my capacity to say what is true, with myself at the centre of it. Being a moving 'island' as it were, with all my necessities in my bike saddlebags, and my eyes on the horizon... I felt like I was drawing my reality anew. Better.

You can read about the other pages here:



Thank you sincerely for witnessing...



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