A Journey From Here To HERE - page 11

Good day, Art-ist Friends,

I hope very much that your creative expansion is in dynamic flow today...


This is another page from my Journey From Here To Here art book. Page eleven. It is powerful, as I've mentioned in previous posts, to revisit memories and challenges: it can bring riches, new persepective on our life and path...


Though it is often said that we shouldn't dwell on the past, when a stream of old memories comes through (e.g. either in our spontaneous creative outpourings or via old imagery we've made), it would seem relevant, to let what needs to flow, to flow.

Whatever additional care and attention we might need, to assist in opening up an old wound, and allowing it to release whatever it needs to release in that particular sacred moment - we just have to get on with that good work.


I'm still navigating out of a grave illness, but today felt a significant shift in both being able to look at my past, and envisioning a future of creative expansive.

I have renewed vigour in my purpose as a co-creator, and where my mark-making, story-telling and expression might lead me... Looking forward to sharing more.

View my previous posts on A Journey From Here To HERE:









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