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Renaissance - sand sculpture

Rant incoming!

The world is going feckin' nuts! I really had such high hopes for us as a species. I thought there would be world peace as people realised that their corrupt governments just loved marching them into war to empire build and funnel money to their weapons manufacturing doners. Science would be based on the scientific method and not be held hostage by dogma. The poor would be lifted out of poverty as the rich realised enough was really enough and decided to push a few more crumbs the pleb's way. We would care for our planet and try to live in harmony with our fellow creatures. Life would be happy for all who wanted it to be so.

But no, We live in a shitshow. War is still waging using the same old imperial lies. Science has become a religion which changes to suit the powers that be. The poor/ rich divided looks like we have gone back to the dark ages and everyone is more concerned with the question of did the actress really poo in the bed?

Please don't take it that I am depressed or angry. Maybe this is the way things have to go to level up. The ills of society are like facing the end of level boss that we need to defeat in order to start a fresh and exciting new level. I have already faced this boss on my personal journey and although I have not started the new level I am drinking a cup of tea and watching others come to the same conclusion. Yes, it may sound arrogant but I believe it is one of the perks of reaching this point, you will feel it too. If anything I have become neutral to most things and in my cynical way just sit back and enjoy the show. No point in getting stressed and giving myself high blood pressure. Society will catch up and we can all continue on together.

Deep down I still have a smidgen of hope for the fate of humanity. I have seen green shoots here and there as people reach the end of their tether and start to question the way things are and if there can be another way. Crypto signposts to some of it. Art, another.

I don't believe that the tools we have used to get us into this mess can be called upon to dig our way out. I don't even believe a revolution will do it this time. What we need is a subculture to form and for all the present systems to become obsolete. That bitcoin guy had similar ideas. We need a renaissance both personal and societal. And, once that has happened we can poach the rest of the souls away from the old system and it will just cease to be.

As regards the poo? I think she done it.

Oh yeh! The images in this post are of a sculpture I made in Sneek, The Netherlands about The Renaissance. The text in this post is just me shootin' the breeze in the same theme.


Thanks for reading. I use PeakD to document my work as an ephemeral Sculptor of sand, snow and ice, amongst other things. This will hopefully give it a new life on the Hive Blockchain. Below you will find some of my recent posts.

Bondish, James Bondish - sand sculpture

Psycho - sand sculpture

Floating a Finned Whale - sand sculpture

I hope you'll join me again soon

If you would like to support me

Bitcoin: bc1qp4lfg0ttz66nesgff8fd5unglg9y0l2jy53j36
Ethereum: 0x6abaE039b9BDFB67495A0588cb90F9EAF5f7556c
Eos: ammonitearts

I am also starting to create NFTs of my sculptures and welcome you to my gallery where you can own a bit of ephemeral sculpture history.
