World photography contest 11 - African Black Rhino

Hi everyone, this I guess will be my introduction on this group.
Living in Africa we have no shortage of interaction with wild life but there is one very special animal that deserves the attention of the world. The Rhino!


Built like an armored tank it is hard to believe that these Majestic animals are in serious danger of extinction.
I was fortunate enough to have the privilege to help game rangers with the clipping of their ears for identification and implanting chips into the horn of the animal.

This was no easy feat as the chopper had to locate them and dart them before we could get to work. Just being in such close proximity to a rhino is a once in a life time experience.


These animals are being hunted for their horns that is made of the same stuff as your toe nails and has no medicinal value at all. I wish I could shout to the world that no matter how much keratin you eat it won't make your 'horn' bigger or stronger.
I've seen footage of a rhino after being shot, they cry like children. It was a sound I will never forget as it haunts me to this day.


If I could send one message to the people of this world is respect nature, don't let these animals go extinct because of wild and crazy beliefs. Once they are gone it's too late.
While we were tagging these babies there were poachers trying to hunt them in the reserve and the game rangers have a very daunting task of keeping these animals safe. Poachers are armed to the teeth and have no issue killing a person who get in their way either.
We have to protect their legacy for future generations 🙏



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