Lionheart a good 1990 classic movie with the famous Jean-Claude Van Damme

Lionheart a good 1990 classic movie with the famous Jean-Claude Van Damme

A short summary of this wonderful film creation

Lyon Gaultier (Van Damme) deserts from the Foreign Legion. Arriving in the States, he finds his dying brother and his wife without enough money to treat him. In order to get the money, Lyon decides to take part in a series of very dangerous clandestine fights.

Ok! I just missed this movie and decided to watch it at least for the last time. This is a good movie, probably Van Damme's best film - the most exciting and at the same time the most conclusive for what this martial arts talent once meant.

A good greatest actor with a strong and interesting career.

An exciting and engaging action film, in which drama, sensitivity and romance are exposed in a rather spectacular way. The film has as its main subject the struggle of life, in its many forms - I really liked this cinematic creation and if you are younger and this is the first time you have heard of this cinematic artistic title - i recommend it with confidence. It's not just a movie that splits fists and feet, it's a movie with an impressive story that enters your soul - i promise it won't disappoint you.

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