EXODE Federal Database Challenge: Keeper blockmonster Results I: Stealth Multibase

Note: As you'll observe below and throughout, per the pre-written rubrics, I am attempting to give every advantage to the grabber wherever possible (particularly where capabilities are unclear or under-specified). Despite this, there is still at least one unbeatable keeper strategy that I am aware of. If there are any unbeatable grabber selections/tactics (Akhen Cannon?), they will be squelched in a similar fashion.

Matches against keeper blockmonster's Stealth Multibase

Captain blockmonsters first keeper strategy is a bit different from previous strategies. In addition to a main base, he has set up three underground stealth locations. He has air power in the form of a Velvet Storm, mobility in the form of a Vanguard and a Tom Explorator and walls sheltering 3 AA/AT turrets and a Defensive Bunker. A number of personnel are always outside the walls to attack enemy attackers from behind or even attack the enemy base.


Captain balticbadger's grabber has the unique strategy of trying to sucker the keeper into accepting a visit from a friendly civilian party -- including a Programmed Transactor suicide bomber. His Amarasia hails blockmonster's base and does their spiel. Blockmonster's crew is, of course, not interested in the Brooklyn Bridge or snipe hunts. They warn the Amarasia off stating that a close landing or any attempt to approach the base will be regarded as a hostile act and will be met with extreme prejudice.

The Amarasia lands close to blockmonster's base but just far enough that blockmonster's crew feels safe to keep a close eye on it rather than attacking. They radio their displeasure to the Amarasia and warn that not only will they not tolerate anyone or anything even headed in the direction of their base but that they will attack if they see any offensive prefabs being assembled.

The Amarasia sends out the Nuclear Family to start assembling shelters from native materials and apparently a number of crew members to start assembling the computer room. In reality, however, they successfully use the hastily expanded shell of the computer room to shield the assembly of two Velvet Storms.

Blockmonster's crew is exceptionally unhappy and irate with the appearance of the Velvet Storms. They ask if the Amarasia is willing to receive their Diplomatic Attache (Special Infiltration Agent) and return her unharmed. Having no additional surprises, except for the already prepared Programmed Transactor, and not having enough forces to directly assault the base with it's three turrets and Defensive Bunker, the Amarasia crew accepts while they figure out what to do.

As she is in transit, balticbadger's crew goes with a last ditch effort. The Velvet Storms suddenly veer out of their patrol pattern and fly inside the base walls with The Kumicho, Ayumi, the KB-119 Kilbot and the Programmed Transactor suicide bomber. A diversion, the efforts of the Amarasia's Mysterious AI and the element of surprise enable them to land successfully although one will never take off again.

The assault team runs to press itself against the defensive bunker as Oksana uses her Velvet Storm's missiles to totally destroy the grounded Velvet Storms. The Programmed Transactor sacrifices its existence for blasting a partial hole in the Defensive Bunker. The assault team quickly enlarges the hole and the KB-119 enters the bunker first to be confronted by Alana Vos, Nash and the Rebel General (Shen is manning the Vanguard). Heavy fire from Nash's and the Rebel General's weapons simply can't penetrate the Kilbot's armor. Fortunately, Alana's Powershock Gloves, applied from the side as the Kilbot comes through the breach successfully fries the Kilbot's internal wiring.

The Kumicho and Ayumi aren't suicidal and surrender at this point. The Vanguard and Velvet Storm then pay a call on the Amarasia camp. The Amarasia's Mysterious AI is powered down and the three Syndicate personnel and the Drachian Commissar are all jailed in one of the Underground Constructions. Blockmonster's crew has control and all the time in the world to use the Federal Database to access the Secret Core.

Score: Blockmonster 100%; Balticbadger 0%


The monstergrabber opted for a flexible but fairly standard assault strategy with a fully packed Drachian Mantis. It is quickly ascertained that monsterkeeper has fortified one location with a Kormen Cargo inside the defenses. Knowing the Kormen's general specifications, monstergabber knows that he probably has nearly twice the personnel. Unfortunately, despite the formidable visible defenses, a lot of the Kormen's extensive cargo space is unaccounted for.

Expecting Vanguards, Kilbots and probably more than the one visible Velvet Storm, the grabber lands at a sufficient distance not to be interrupted while he assembles his prefabs. An AA/AT Automatic turret is rapidly assembled, quickly followed by a pair of Velvet Storms. Two Vanguards are next, followed a number of scouting and transport vehicles.

The grabber moves in to test the defenses. Both sides have a Secret Agent and a Mysterious AI so neither has an electronic edge. Monstergrabber's orders included extensive instructions about constant patrolling and seeking "secret lairs". The Keeper's Vanguard is discovered and the forces appear to be two Velvet Storms, two Vanguards, four Kilbots and half a dozen personnel against a single Velvet Storm, three AA/AT Automatic Turrets and a Defensive Bunker.

Monstergrabber's orders included the very specific "If the other team goes with an entrenched defense, then I will need to be ready for a siege situation. Surround/corner the opposition so that they can’t forage for food and water while I can. Wait till they leave their enclosure and fight on more agreeable terrain." The grabber crew gets antsy as time passes but losses will likely be equal on both sides if they attempt to weaken the defenses -- and that doesn't account for all the surprises expected from the unaccounted-for cargo.

Unfortunately for monsterkeeper, monstergrabber's diligent searching pays off as first the Friendly Eyes and, next, one of the Little Buddies each find a different Underground Construction. The two grabber Velvet Storms keep the nearest Turret busy by firing a few missiles at it while keeping an eye on the keeper's Velvet Storm. Meanwhile, the two Vanguards, four Kilbots and four personnel assault first one and then the other lair. The keeper's Velvet Storm and Vanguard are outmatched badly enough that attempting to intervene would be foolish.

Once the two lairs are turned upside down to no avail, it is clear that it makes no sense to waste resources on two secret lairs if there aren't more -- one of which undoubtedly holding the Federal Database. Given this incentive, the search is redoubled and the last lair is found. There is really nothing that monsterkeeper can do as monstergrabber assaults it and takes possession of the Federal DB.

Score: Blockmonster keeper 0%; Blockmonster grabber 100%


Captain digital-wisdom has the strategy of keeping the defender moving wherever possible. He also has a fully packed Drachian Mantis. It is quickly ascertained that monsterkeeper has fortified one location with a Kormen Cargo inside the defenses. Knowing the Kormen's general specifications, monstergabber knows that he probably has nearly twice the personnel. Unfortunately, despite the formidable visible defenses, a lot of the Kormen's extensive cargo space is unaccounted for.

Showing an overabundance of caution, digital-wisdom uses two Exploration Dropships to land 3 Velvet Storms in two different locations on the opposite side of the planet from blockmonster's base. Once the Velvet Storms are assembled, they are used to cover a second landing site reasonably close to blockmonster's base but at a sufficient distance not to be interrupted while the rest of the prefabs are assembled. In the second wave are 3 Vanguards, 3 Kilbots, an AA/AT turret, 600 energy and all personnel except for Admiral Valro and Tyron who remain upon the orbiting Mantis.

As digital-wisdom stupidly left his Mysterus AI at home, he will be operating at a substantial SRT disadvantage. The forces appear to be three Velvet Storms, three Vanguards, three Kilbots and half a dozen personnel (including red-shirted Clone Troopers) against a single Velvet Storm, three AA/AT Automatic Turrets and a Defensive Bunker. Unfortunately, the spectre of the unnaccounted-for cargo looms large as well.

Being the power behind the throne and an inveterate gambler, The Kumicho flips a coin . . . .
It comes up heads
With the aid of the Syndicate Chip, The Kumicho convinces Alana that they can win. The obvious tactics should be to attack each side of the defense sequentially from maximum range. The defending Vanguard is an unpleasant surprise, killing a Velvet Storm before anyone was aware of it's presence. It's a bloody battle full of trade-offs with blockmonster's lack of mobility being mostly offset by his SRT advantage. In the end, however, digital-wisdom's ability to attack each static defense in order prevails -- particularly as his Mantis lands to help out as everyone starts running out of ammunition.

Once the main base is taken and the Federal Database is not found, a Syndicate Chip is forced upon the Rebel General and he quickly agrees to give up the Federal Database to The Kumicho with little painful persuasion involved. Digital-wisdom then accessed the Secret Datacore and transmitted its contents about the hostile aliens to everyone within communications range.
It comes up tails
The Kumicho has not risen to her current position by taking poor risks with Syndicate assets. Not obtaining the Federal Database is better than a foolish decision wasting Syndicate assets and still not obtaining the Database. She is sure that she can use the danger posed by the unknown to justify her decision as necessary. In addition, if the Mantis uses its dropships to recollect its assets and personnel, she knows that she can buy some fuel from the interstellar market and continue on to the next job much more quickly.

Blockmonster keeps a wary eye out as the dropships collect everything and digital-wisdom apparently leaves. The Kumicho had promised to leave once she collected her "protection money" and was apparently good for her word. Without being harassed, blockmonster's crew has all the time in the world to use the Federal Database to access the Secret Core.

Score: Blockmonster 50%; Digital-wisdom 50%


Captain slabakbg's strategy is pretty straight-forward relying upon synergies to advance a Stealthy and/or Hacker-y approach as appropriate. It is quickly ascertained that monsterkeeper has fortified one location with three AA/AT Automatic Turrets, a Defensive Bunker and a Kormen Cargo inside the defenses with a Velvet Storm as air defense. Knowing the Kormen's general specifications, monstergabber knows that he probably has nearly twice the personnel. Unfortunately, despite the formidable visible defenses, a lot of the Kormen's extensive cargo space is unaccounted for.

Expecting Vanguards, Kilbots and probably more than the one visible Velvet Storm, slabakbg looks over blockmonster's defenses and realizes that there is virtually no chance of successfully assaulting them. Even landing his Quantum on top of the defenses with guns blazing is unlikely to be successful -- and is definitely suicidal. The Repentant Pirate decides that discretion is the better part of valor, orders more fuel from the interstellar market and heads on to greener pastures.

Without being harassed, blockmonster's crew has all the time in the world to use the Federal Database to access the Secret Core.

Score: Blockmonster 100%; Slabakbg 0%


So . . . .Captain blockmonster's Stealth Multibase slides into second place behind Captain apshamilton's island fortress. The fact that it was a multibase was really the only reason why blockmonster's keeper lost to his own grabber. Worse, if he had used the cargo slots spent on the three Underground Constructions on more defense, digital-wisdom's Kumicho wouldn't have needed to flip a coin before deciding to move on to greener pastures. Captain apshamilton is very lucky that monsterkeeper's convoluted strategy outsmarted his shot at first place.

There should be some consolation for Captain blockmonster, however, in the fact that his grabber has now extended his lead by a full match-up. After three games, I suspect that he will continue on to take first place with Captains balticbadger and slabakbg fighting it out for second.

balticbadger blockmonster digital-wisdom slabakbg KEEPER TOTAL
apshamilton 100/0 100/0 0/100 100/0 75%
balticbadger 100/0 -50/40 -50/50 100/0 25%
blockmonster 1 100/0 0/100 50/50 100/0 62.5%
blockmonster 2





GRABBER TOTAL 0% 17.5% 25% 0%
3 columns
2 columns
1 column