Alice In Roppongi Hills, Not Wonderland

Someone suggested this community to me weeks ago and finally here I am! It's my first time to join the #WednesdayWalk initiative by @tattoodjay in collaboration with #makemesmile by @elizacheng. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can check out the community.

Wait Witty, who's Alice?

Wednesdays are usually the day I work in the office and flex my OOTD (Outfit of the Day) so I got to see my coworkers today. One coworker told me 今日はアリスみたいですね (which translates to Today you really look like Alice). I was surprised to hear that actually. Japanese sentences don't really include the word "you" so I thought she didn't mean me.

So, who the hell is Alice? Yes, that's right. It's me. And this is my Wednesday night story in one of the posh places in Tokyo, Japan.

After work I usually go home or stop by Shibuya but tonight's different. My partner who's working somewhere in Roppongi called me to meet him somewhere near Roppongi Hills so he could give me something important. Roppongi is along my train line going home from office but I don't usually go there because it's a luxurious place for both shoppers and party-goers.

Roppongi Hills (六本木ヒルズ, read as Roppongi Hiruzu) is a building complex that you can find when you get off at Roppongi Station in the Hibiya Subway Line. You can shop your favorite brands in this area, fall in love with art in the museum, dine at expensive restaurants, and view Tokyo from the observation deck. It's also home to numerous companies - including my previous company. LOL There's a lot to see and do in Roppongi Hills but sadly I've yet to discover its core.

I began my Roppongi Hills escapade for tonight from its east side, taking the escalator going to the main area. Don't get me wrong, I was taking the stairs earlier, I was just trying to discover another way to go up. 😅

View of Mori Tower from the escalator from the side walk

It's a surprisingly cold evening and I was kinda freezing when I was walking around. Blame the frappe from McDonalds where I stopped by and met my partner.

Walkway surrounded by plants

Street view as seen from Roppongi Hills

You wouldn't really miss this giant spider sculpture because it's in the main area. It's around 30 ft though it doesn't look like huge in the photo.

Maman Spider Sculpture

Giant Spider is just in the entrance of Mori Tower

Yes, that's right. This giant spider is actually just in the entrance of Mori Tower, one of the tallest buildings in Tokyo.

Mori Tower

My previous company's headquarters is actually in this building. I've been inside once, just for the orientation 4 years ago. The building has 54 floors, and the elevators are divided to cater group of floors. I can say that there are a lot of office workers here, and the office has great views of Tokyo. I'm assuming the rent is expensive here.

Side of Mori Building

There are benches on the sides. I guess some people meet up around here.

The hidden rest area; benches are wet from the rain

I went to some hidden rest area and found the Tokyo Tower shining brightly in the cloudy night.

Look at what I found in this hidden rest area! It's the Tokyo Tower!

Tokyo Tower Zoom x2! Phone please do your best!

This newly constructed tall building is so annoying in the view. There have been reports though that Minato Ward, where the famous Tokyo Tower is located, will continue to protect the areas with views of the marvelous tower.

In the middle of the road with views of Tokyo Tower

During winter, this street will have its night illumination. It's actually one of the greatest in Tokyo, where the street will be a little bit crowded of photographers willing to risk their lives just to take great photos in the middle of the street. Of course, people only go in the middle of the road during stop light. 😅

I continued to explore the "City within the City", the nickname of Roppongi Hills and found some luxurious brands. Of course, I can't afford them. 😒

L Vuitton shop for my eyes only

More shops along the side walk

I realized it's late and I already closed my rings for today so it's time to head home but before that, let me take an elevator selfie so you can see why my coworker thinks I look like Alice today. I guess she doesn't see me often wearing something girly and vibrant. 😅

So many scratches in this elevator making it look like a bad filter

A reminder in the elevator to keep social distancing

Long elevator going to basement to take the subway

Yay I closed my rings!

Thanks for reading!
See you around! じゃあ、またね!

All photos are taken using my phone unless stated otherwise.

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