Šetnja po vrelom betonu Palminim ulicama. 🇪🇸 Walking on the hot concrete streets of Palma. 🇪🇸

Dovoljno je da vidite majorkanski kamen da bi se osećali lepo šetajući španskim ulicama Palma De Majorke.
Osunčane ulice kao sa slikarskih platna Van Goga. ☀️ Senke palminog drveća se pruža preko čitave ulice.🌴🌴🌴 Divan španski jezik sa mekim slovom “s” je skroz seksi! Sam jezik uopšte nije težak da se nauči. Zgodne tamnopute žene i muškarci, diktiraju ležernu i opuštenu modu. Sve je široko i lepršavo. Šetam i upijam sve oko sebe.

It is enough to see the Mallorcan stone to feel beautiful walking through the Spanish streets of Palma De Mallorca.
Sunny streets as if from paintings by Van Gogh. ☀️ The shadows of the palm trees stretch across the entire street. 🌴🌴🌴 The lovely Spanish language with the soft letter "s" is downright sexy! The language itself is not difficult to learn at all. Handsome dark-skinned women and men dictate casual and relaxed fashion. Everything is wide and fluffy. I walk and absorb everything around me.
Nothing pretentious, a simple walk past hot facades and wooden shutters.

Ništa pretenciozno, jednostavna šetnja pored vrućih fasada i drvenih roletni.


Ako imate dilemu u kojoj ste zemlji, samo pogledajte mnogobrojne kablove okačene po fasadama i odmah će vam biti jasno da ste u Španiji! 💃🇪🇸

If you have a dilemma about which country you are in, just look at the numerous cables hanging on the facades and you will immediately know that you are in Spain! 💃🇪🇸



Limunovo drvo 🍋🍋🍋 se sreće često ali ovaj prizor je bio čudan. Bodljikava žica pored njega? Razume se, protiv lopova! 😁

Lemon tree 🍋🍋🍋 is often seen but this scene was strange. Barbed wire next to him? Of course, against thieves! 😁


E ovo već nije običan prizor. Zakucala sam pogled za prelep objekat. Plaza de Toros! Ponovo smo se sreli! ❤️

And this is no ordinary sight. I stared at the beautiful object. Plaza de Toros! We met again! ❤️





Ovu predivnu i arhitektonski ukrasnu zgradu još zovu i Balearski Koliseum. Opravdano! U ovoj predivnoj istorijskoj zgradi odgledala sam nekoliko Korida ali i koncert vrsnog muzičara Manu Chiao! 🎶
Sjajan prostor za letnje koncerte!

This beautiful and architecturally decorative building is also called the Balearic Coliseum. Justified! In this beautiful historical building, I watched several bullfights and also a concert by the excellent musician Manu Chiao! 🎶
Great space for summer concerts!



Nastavila sam šetnju zaklanjajući šakom oči od vrelog sunca. Nisam ponela naočare.😎☀️
Noge su mi bile vrele od toplog trotoara. Častila sam se sladoledom i hladnom vodom koja najbolje gasi žedj!
Razgledajući izloge u nastavku šetnje, dan je brzo prošao, a ja sam zapamtila samo dodir vrućeg majorkanskog kamena. 🥰☀️

I continued walking, shielding my eyes from the hot sun with my fist. I didn't bring my glasses.😎☀️
My feet were hot from the warm pavement. I treated myself to ice cream and cold water, which is the best thirst quencher!
Looking at the windows on the rest of the walk, the day passed quickly, and all I remembered was the touch of the hot Mallorcan stone. ☀️

Adios! 👋☀️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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