A walk to the Lagoon Front

I have a few things that make me happy, but one of them is walking, especially in unfamiliar areas. Nothing enhances walking more than taking beautiful photos that you may save as a reminder of your regular stroll.

Welcome to my second article in @hive-155530 . In this post, I'll be showing you some amazing photos I took while walking to my school's lagoon font.

The lagoon font at my college is one of its main draws. a location where you may enjoy the peace and wind from the sea. There are several trees at the lagoon fonts that offer shade for the nearby seats.

Come with me as we go exploring.

This is the route to the lagoon front. Although there are alternative routes, this one takes me the closest to Lagoon Font from my faculty. This route has very few buildings, and as you walk, there are trees on both sides, so you can sense the presence of nature.

Along the route is a charging point for electric vehicles. The electric car charging station is a pioneer of its sort in my nation. And it is hoped that as such stations proliferate, electric car adoption would rise.

Nearing the lagoon font while still travelling. A multistory structure is now being constructed, but what's remarkable is that each floor is made up entirely of containers stacked on top of one another. As soon as the job is finished, I'm sure it will look lovely.

Arrived at the road's end. The lagoon font is to the left and is accessible to everyone during daytime hours.

A portion of the third mainland bridge, which is the longest bridge in Africa, may be seen in the distance behind this lagoon.

A close-up image of the earlier viewpoint. The embankment was built to prevent overflowing. Observe how tranquil the water is as well.

A portion of the lagoon font's garden is shown here. I chose to take a seat on a moulded seat here, in the shadow of a really large tree. I took a panorama shot from my seat.

Say hi to the tree that offers protection from the blazing sun. This place is tranquil. And from the sea, a chilly wind blows.

I did succeed in capturing the sun's piercing glare when it peered through some spaces in the tree's leaves. Isn't it amazing?

A saw the electric car that had been in the station earlier had left on the way back to school.

I hope you like my images; I had a great time on my stroll. I'd want to know what you think about them.

(Note: all pictures are mine, don't use without permission or credit)

Thanks for reading!

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