No need to Fall into Autumn part 1 walk

You don't need to go to the ends of the earth, you don't need to climb Everest to have a great adventure, it's invariably on our doorstep.

This is a wonderful saying by Bear Grylls.

We tend to forget the beauty that is on our doorstep because we are so used to seeing it everyday.


In the UK the season after summer is called Autumn, however, there are many countries that call it The Fall!

What do you or what does your country call it?

One thing about Autumn though, is that I forget just how colourful it can be.

Let's get our shoes on and go out and about...


This was our weather yesterday in the East of Scotland, a fine autumnal day.

Being from the UK, we take our buildings for granted, this is a typical detached house with a garage just beside the park.

Our buildings are generally built to withstand the weather, I think some other countries should do the same.

Do you see the hedge?


The most adorable wee Magpie was strutting along the top of the hedge showing me the way to the Park!

Well, I was going to the Park anyway, as earier yesterday morning Amazon delivered my monthly supply of duck and swan food.

The Park has many entranaces, and the entrance we took brings us right beside the rugby club.


I tell you what, I am writing this at 9.32 on Wednesday morning and the fluffing heavens have opened!

We were lucky to have this walk done yesterday for you to see!

Rugby, now that is a mans game! Although since I played at school they now have some padding they wear.

The grass is looking great though, come winter time it will be a diffent story. Not as much grass but no much in the way of weed either, just mud lol!

Have you ever played rubgy?

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Trees, trees and more trees is what @eylz619 wanted me to give her.

So yes, there will be a few trees here and there as we walk past them. Green leaves, yellow leaves, no leaves, red leaves, fallen leaves all sorts of leaves!

Back to the rugby tho...

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Rugby players were the perfect example of the work hard, play harder mentality.

Many a beer was drunk and mischief @balikis95 created in the rugby clubhouse after the match.

Nowadays modern professional rugby players, they are built like Superheroes!

Right time to hit the water!

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I must admit that when you start to look at the trees, the bushes, the shrubs and the scenery from an outsiders pov the colours, well the colours they really are gorgeous!

Where are the birds?

Don't worry they are never far away ...

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Lead on then... you might want to cover your ears at this point !!!

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Did you hear them?

Did you fluffing hear them!!!

Did you see that their bills are open?

Pomerian ducks are the noisiest ducks that I have ever heard. Dafty duck was so noisy, but all his cousins are just like him.

Yes, they are noisy with a capital N!

It is cute though, perhaps I should do a 3speak video one day!

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Word soon went out and it was party time!

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The gull wanted to get out of the way of the pies that were steaming in!

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We have more to walk so let's leave them all be and go walk to the exit.

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Popping via the fountain garden.

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I was pleasantly surprised to see that even though we are almost into November ...

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I got to think of @dswigle and #alwaysaflower and I think that these are Begonias Denise?

Bonnie though, is what they are!

Talking about Denise I had to buy some bread, and there is an Aldi near the park, so will head there. I didn't take enough pictures for a #marketfriday post though...

Remember I said taking our buildings for granted, this is the park gatehouse.

Yes there are two lions that guard the park, and this always reminds me of Leo Finance.

I shall leave this post now, as there is quite a lot more to see outwith the park and we shall do that in part 2!

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This walk made me smile and I hope it did you too and the post is for both

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo October 26th 2022


Haste Ye Back!

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