The Stuck In The Mud Adventures

Well here we are! It's Wednesday and this is one of those long overdue posts! I've been meaning to post this somewhere at the end of last year so it's safe to say it has almost been three months since this adventure!

Dayum just looking at these photos again makes my sinuses want to act up!

We have this little field or piece of land located just on the edge of town, it's actually somewhat apart of town. We call it Stuck In The Mud. It's actually a place where motorcycle riders can go and pull their bikes through the mud along with people who want to do some 4X4 on rough terrain. I myself have spent quite some hours on that piece of land gunning through mud and pools of sand!

It's a place where you can get your daily dose of adrenaline.

As of lately they sort of closed it down for the public or actually barred the entrances so that vehicles can't get in because people tend to dump their trash on the land. You have to enter through the main entrance, however you are still able to park some ways off and enter on foot anywhere!

Even though it says private property it's still somewhat open for the public.

Okay but without further a due! Let's get sweating!

Well would you take a look at that! The beautifull @misshugo wants to let the dandelions fly wild today!

I might be dying in a few because of those things!


I think we might be here for a while, there are a few of these dandelions covering the starting point area and well she enjoys blowing them into the wind.

Sheesh I can remember back in the good old days how we used to play with these dandelions! Such simple entertainment, yet now we are bored as can be growing up.

Why is that? Why have we lost the ability to find joy in small things? I mean I still do but not nearly as much as when I was younger? Even climbing a tree felt like such a thrill


And off they go to grow on some new spot near or far where they will be routed into the ground or perhaps they will go higher and higher up into the sky! Perhaps they will cross oceans of water before touching the land again.

Highly unlikely but who knows anything is possible right!


So while the Betty enjoyed herself to the fullest blowing the fairies (dandelions) into the wind I kept any eye open for a nice route or spotting that we can cross through the little jungle that we had to pass in order to get up on the hill behind.

It's not a lot of foliage to cross through but it houses more than enough mosquitos to make you run and scream in fear!

If there is one thing I utterly despise it would be a mosquito or a damn fly!


I know this is somewhat overrated... everyone always shares photos of the clouds or what not.

But DAYUM they look beyond beautifull!

I can find myself gazing at them for hours on end! Especially when lying flat on your back and gazing up, that really gives a different aspect to the feeling! It makes me realize how small I really am in this gigantic world!

Well needless to say that we have crossed through the little forest, it had a little stream going through it. That is probably why there was so much foliage in that one spot, but it wasn't really the cleanest water around so not worth for a photo and neither did you want to step in it! The Betty had to jump over because she's a short little one! But as always I was there to catch her!

So it doesn't look like much of a hill from where we were standing and it isn't really although it does have an upward slope and when you reach the top it's clear that you have gone quite a few meters higher.


We've made it to the top! It doesn't really look like much but it was quite a walk up to this barren topside of the hill.

Now this spot is a off-road bikers dream! Ripping up the ground while throwing them donuts, sheesh how I miss those days!

Well we were right about where I am pointing with my finger so it was at-least a proper enough walk seeing that we have to walk all the way back aswell!


See the dark tree line, that is where we crossed the "Jungle" so to speak with the little river flowing through it


There wasn't much going on while we were enjoying our little walk, usually there are people riding bikes and all that, you tend to hear the buzz of motors driving and so forth but this day it was as quite as can be, no humming of vehicles nor the buzzing of the beetles.

Absolute silence except for the wind blowing and the heat searing.

It felt serene and peacefull and somewhat scary.


after making our way down back to the car I spotted this butterfly sort of walking/flying with us. Everytime we got closer he would fly up in the air and land a few meters infront of us almost as if he decided to join us on the walk.

Now I had to creep up slowly to get this shot and it was even zoomed in a little, I'm glad I took it because the next step I took he jumped up and flew away... never to be seen again.


I've got to say it was sort of a humid day out and by the end of this wonderfull journey I had I was getting quite thirsty, why? Because I'm one of those people who drinks up all of his water before I even started with the journey.. My flask was already half way drank up in the car ride to the parking spot..

Can you imagine!


Until next time folks! Have a good one!


Dated 22/02/2023

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