Wednesday Walk Seaport Art Walk New Bedford

Wednesday Walk Seaport Art Walk New Bedford

This post if for Wednesday walk challenge And Make me Smile Collaboration challenge, initially our collaboration was once a month but due to the popularity of it we have decided to make the collab a weekly thing :)

Any questions about the challenge read the guide at the Bottom of the post ;)

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

For this weeks walk I had planned to go for a walk around the port, and although I did walk around the port and take a few shots, I also discovered some new art had been put on display as part of the Seaport Art walk celebrating that they had been doing this for ten years

Now I have said it before and will say it again the cool thing with art is beauty is often in the eye of the beholder, and for me this is the case here some of the pieces I thought ow that's cool or fun, and some I just thought Hmmm

I will try not to give way which are which and will just share the art and would love to hear which ones you like or not so much

Starting with this one which unfortunately I couldn't find out who it was by

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Sony A7iv 37mm F8 1/125 second ISO 250
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this next piece is by Brooke Mullins Doherty, entitled Vibrant Passage
an dis a new display this year and is described as : A visually stunning piece that uses vibrant colors and dynamic forms to evoke a sense of movement and energy.

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the first one again from the other side

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Another new piece for this year by Andrew Hamilton Reiss & Heather Cronin-Bachstein, entitled What You Sea and described as : An immersive art installation that explores the interconnectedness between humans and the sea, urging viewers to contemplate their relationship with the marine environment.

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Sony A7iv 32mm F8 1/125 second ISO 160
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I had to include shots from a couple of angles so you could get a better feel for this piece

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Sony A7iv 39mm F8 1/125 second ISO 125
Click here to view larger

this next one has been up before in a spot a bit of a walk from the port, I had seen it driving by but this was the first time I walked to it and got a couple of shots

it is by Donna Dodson, entitled Seagull Cinderella described as : A provocative piece first seen ruffling some feathers at the 2016 Seaport Art Walk, celebrating all things feminine, maternal, and fun.

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from another angle

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and although not part of the art walk I passed by this and decided to include it

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Sony A7iv 75mm F9 1/125 second ISO 200
Click here to view larger

Weekly giveaway of shares

This week I am sending to the following who joined Wednesday Walk, for this week I did a random draw and the following each received some Hive @emma-h2
@moremoney28, @jaasiel0323 @sjarvie5 @selflessgem @pinkchic

Wednesday Walk is a challenge started by me, the idea is to get out for a short walk and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start. And this is my entry for this week, but first, let me explain the challenge.

This is my post for the Wednesday Walk challenge hosted by myself, let me first explain the guidelines

Try and get out once a week for a short walk, can be from your office, home or anywhere really and walk for a few blocks or a few minutes looking for things to get shots of.

Your walk does not have to be on a Wednesday I just ask if possible to share your walk photos on a Wednesday.

Try and get a few shots not just one

Add a bit of a write up about where you walked

Just one Wednesday Walk tagged post a week

You can look for anything in general or decide on one subject you want to get shots off.

Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss

Do a post with the shots you get on a Wednesday and tag it with #wednesdaywalk, also if you happen to join, please leave a link to your post in a comment on this post and I will try and visit them all, especially if its not one of the first 5 tags or I may miss seeing it .

Following me and re-Hiving the post so more see it would be appreciated but isn't a rule just a suggestion.

I am not strict on these rules and hence why they are called guidelines and not rules

I will try and visit, and upvote all who take part in the Wednesday Walk.

I hope a few of you may find this an interesting challenge and decide to join in.

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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Teamusa is a Community for and supporting those from of in the United States, and now is in the process of rebuilding stronger than ever join us on Discord

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