Wednesday Walk 24/08/2022 - Visiting Home

The location of my work makes it pretty easy for me to go to the house occasionally. Today I decided to go home and see my sister and she was buzzing. I was delighted. She would be joining hive pretty soon, as I am already working on creating a new account for her and getting her started here. She really looks forward to connecting with You all. So usually, whenever I go to the house, I walk past this popular church building along the road. It's a place I go to every weekend to play football a few years ago.


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The entrance of the church is not much of an edifice. Possibly nothing of the church is. I think the inside is where the real beauty lies.


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It looks good from this angle doesn't it? I actually tried out my wide-angle lens when I wanted to capture this photo, and it turned out great I think. It is one of those features on my new phone I haven't explored enough yet.



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I usually enjoy walking this path every time and listening to my favorite podcast. They do tend to their beautiful flowers regularly. Well, there you have it. Another beautiful wednesday. Cheers.
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