Campus walk a rainbow and a truck on fire

Hi Walkers, How have you been? I haven't joined the #wednesdaywalk community for the last couple of weeks as my back has not been holding up too well. I took a short walk in the university campus when I went to drop off my son after his ten day break. Locally it is the Dasarah season and it serves as well deserved break after the two internal exams.

It was lovely to have him with us for ten days, our silly arguments, watching F1 together, doing stuff together made our time together so happy. I miss him so I went to drop him off at the campus, as usual I ended up taking a walk with him and grabbing a few more minutes with him before I left. He is going to be busy until his university exams in January and he will be in his final year of college soon. I just can't believe how time has flown past us so fast. I am sure I will miss this campus a lot once he completes his residency.

When we reached the campus it was sunny and the sky was bright and beautiful. It didn't look like it was going to rain anytime soon even though Google told us to expect rain.

Bright blue skies and fluffy white clouds could be seen on one side while on the other grey clouds were building up.

The flowers here look so fresh and beautiful despite the heavy rains we have experienced over the last couple of days. The roses looked stunning, especially this peach one after it the rain. The one I have used as my thumb nail is one of my favorite flowers called Jacobina, I have the yellow one at home, it comes in white, pink and red colors too. Isn't it a beauty?

These yellow roses looked stunning. They were all around the collage campus, I didn't find them near the hospital grounds. This made the place look so colorful. December will be even better with more blooms.

After a light shower there was a beautiful rainbow. I wish I had my camera with me instead of my phone. We just stood there and admired the beautiful scenery displayed in front of us. Every time I see a rainbow I feel a strange sense of peace and excitement within.

This bougainvillea looked battered after the rain but I guess the heavy rain of the previous days had already battered it. Besides this being the warmest October hasn't helped any of the flowers standing under the direct attack of the sun.

Our long walk ended as my legs started to hurt. It was getting darker and the threat of rain became more real now.

We walked alongside the cricket and tennis grounds to reach the other end of the campus. The cool air made this stretch so pleasant to walk through. We chatted happily as we reached the main road

Then we noticed huge flames light up the road. When we reached the main road we noticed fire trucks there dousing the truck which was already burned to the ground. The tire had melted down and flowed across the road. This being the main arterial road to the city traffic had now come to a standstill we realized that it would become a huge mess. We half walked and half ran to the parking lot and pulled out taking the route opposite to the direction we would have taken normally. This only meant a slight delay in our trip back home.
We were just glad that we moved quickly else we would have been stuck in the jam for hours. This walk turned out to be an adventurous walk at the end of the day.

Thanks for accompanying me on this walk. I appreciate your support.

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