Wednesday Walk - Random Sightings on a Walk with the Baby

Here are a few things I saw on a walk in a forest preserve for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

I thought a buzzard was flying above me when I got out to the forest preserve. Then I zoomed in a bit more on my camera and realized it was a bald eagle.

Later on I saw a couple juveniles on a dead tree in the middle of a swamp. More soon on these guys for #featheredfriday.

Meanwhile while I was watching the eagles there was a fellow walker on the path with me... Fortunately it didn't attack as it hasn't setup a nest in the swamp yet. It sure seems to be pooping up the path though, watch where you step.

My daughter was on this walk with me and she wasn't sure what to think of the loud honking goose. For once she wasn't sleeping on our stroller walk.

A bit behind the goose I found a sickly looking garter snake. It was alive but it kind of looks like something like a goose might have bitten him. I moved it off the path and hopefully it will survive the goose bite.

The nice serene nature sounds were interrupted with a helicopter ambulance. It has a nice color scheme against the blue sky.

While I was looking up at the helicopter I noticed an abandoned Bald-faced Hornet nest. These guys build huge nests up in trees then the whole colony except for the queen dies off each year leaving behind giant paper nests. Then they have to start building a new one once the queen emerges from underneath tree bark.

I finally made it to the swamp and saw turtles as usual. Once my daughter gets old enough we'll try and go wading through the swamp to catch some frogs and turtles.

The Red-Winged Blackbirds are getting angsty around the water. They are constantly fighting with eachother over territory right now. Once they've established territory and nests then they'll start attacking anyone who comes near them.

On my way back to the car I noticed something balancing high up in the tree. From a distance I thought it might be a bird but after zooming in it was just a squirrel eating fresh tender buds off the tree. I'll have plenty to post for this #squirrelsunday

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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