It's One Sunny Day: Mother Mary's Grotto and the New One Thousand Peso Bills

March 1 when Mother asked me to run some errand which is to withdraw the money in her ATM Card which she get for her pension. Actually, she get her pension every month on her ATM card and in every 3rd month, she will withdraw it as our budget for months.

Having this is actually helpful, good thing Mother push through getting it and paying a bucks for it every month. Now that she's already old, she's already getting her pension which help us sustains our needs. She's getting the benefits of it now.


The weather that day is like the usual, like on and off from Sunny to Gloomy weather or a women for being an expert on having a mood swings, lol. But either way, I went there with my mama. Mommy F can't go with me that time as she is experiencing an extreme pain from her knees due to arthritis. I can't help but to pity Mommy F because the pain is all over her face.

Seriously, taking medicine or a pain reliever is really not in her plan, she planned to just endure the pain but then later the pain become too severe that she had to take a pain reliever. Only then, the pain subsided a little. The pain on her knees is on and off and they sprout in different direction. Like yesterday the pain is in her ankle then today it moves to her thigh, truly a killer pain.


Sad, she wasn't able to experience this moody kind of weather outside. Because look, it's like it was taken on different day, but to be honest it was taken like one minute ago, lol. Well, if Mommy F came with us, for sure, she can't take this hot weather too.


Here's Mommy F ATM card, that bill covering the card is actually for the fees on withdrawing the money. We are just glad that we found this shop with a cheap fees deduction on every transaction. Just like this one, for 7,000 php or $127.89 they will only deduct 30 or $0.55 on it. It's really cheap no? In fact it is much cheaper compare to GCash which we often use on withdrawing money.


We're about to arrive to our destination but look how intense Mr. Sunny is on releasing his mightiness. I feel like I can cook an egg here while waiting for the transaction to be finish, lol. But even if the weather is like this, that's okay, I didn't bring an umbrella with me as I hate holding it. Are you like that too? Lol


As we move further, we saw this building which for me is still unfinish, it is not fully furnished yet. But, there are already people using it, maybe they are just renting on it. It has a lot of room that anyone can rent if you are looking for a room where you can put a shop. But let me tell you this gossip first, I just heard this but, one people already died here while building this building.

It falls on that tall building and got struck somewhere which cause his death, RIP to him, whoever he is. Although it happened a long time ago, but I just remember it now. That is also maybe one of the reason why it is still unfinished and or why still no other people is renting there. Well, it is just a guess of this gossiper, lol.


Finally! It's not just us who need money eh, lol. Few people are waiting in line. I just wait for my turn because as you can see, there's a little queue in here. And while I am waiting I just look around the place and then something caught my attention.

A man made Grotto? Am I right? It looks pretty with the plants everywhere. It's like those plants was planted there to be one of the disciple of Mama Mary. Maybe the owner built this as a respect to her.

As soon as I saw that the person in front of my was done, I immediately asked the teller if I can cash out on them using GCash. I just get the number of receiver and then send it. The transaction went smoothly and after getting what I need we headed home immediately, which is by the way the opposite of what we planned.

We planned to head to the grocery shop on our way but because I can't hide the money I withdrew in my pocket, we had to head home first and give the money to my Mommy F. I am just afraid that I might lose it if I just hold it while doing some grocery shopping. And why I can't hide these money at my pocket? It's because as to what I know, this bills is not allowed to be folded or what. You'll get fined if you do that, correct me if I'm wrong.

Look how beautiful it is, you don't want this beauty to be crumpled right? Lol. It's pretty and all but it's a pain in the ass because we can't even put it on our pocket. For me who hates carrying wallet on my hand, this is definitely a big hassle for me. That's why I prefer the old blue bills than this. And know what, when mother saw this blue bills, she immediately want to spend it to get rid of it, lol, which she did in groceries, lol. She also prefer the old blue bills.


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