Morning Walk by the Sea

The last couple of my #WednesdayWalk posts were a bit "more than a walk", or better said, NOT real walks at all... lol... If you check them out, I had a visit to the museum of old vehicles, walk in the park (which was a walk, but a short one), or my visit to the town Sagunto and the greek museum exhibition... So, it's time to get back to the roots and create a REAL walk post... :)


Not that long time ago, I was doing Actifit posts every single day and adding a bunch of photos from my walks inside them... Lately, I have had less time for content creation, but I still do my daily walks... The only difference is that I don't take many photos as before, and I suppose that's a pity as I'm lucky to live in a place where nature is gorgeous...

Luckily, I have found this awesome community that brought the spark back, and, at least once per week, I have one post with some great photo memories from a walk! This time, I will take you for a walk along the seaside from the end of the neighboring town back to my hometown, or better said, town where I live...


Our walk begins in the small park that is a part of the big hotel that I didn't take a photo of... lol... But, the white building in the photo below is the hotel... :) It was around 8:30 AM when I took the first photo from this walk...



I think that this small chapel is also part of the hotel...


This is a kind of a stairway to Heaven as it will lead you to the seaside and the small beach...


But before reaching the sea, you have to stop at "chiringuito" (a small bar on the beach) and drink your morning coffee...


If you aren't living by the sea, but you go there for a vacation, you have to visit the sea in the morning! Before other tourists, before it becomes a "human jungle"...


Water in the morning is crystal clear and without the waves... When you take a look at these photos you can have an impression that this is a lake and not the sea! So calm and peaceful...


Safeguards didn't arrive yet, and no swimmers either, but all that will change in just a couple of hours...


If you want to practice some of the water activities, you will have to wait for 9 AM until July, or 8 AM after that... as nobody can attend you earlier... :)



This is one of the bunkers preserved from the Spanish Civil War... Just a reminder to not repeat the stupid thing again...



Another small beach that's not very appealing for tourists as there is no sand or small stones... Because of that, it's an ideal oasis for the neighbors/locals that are living in the area...


Most of the beaches (if not all) in Spain are public, which means that everyone can go everywhere... Hotels do have rented spaces for their guest, but only renting "beach beds" and not the whole beach... But, some parts of the seaside are unapproachable because of huge rocks or cliffs, so I had to go a bit inside of the town...





This small river flows into the sea and to go around it, I had to go over the bridge... Earlier this year, we had a lot of rain and the river is at "full capacity" at the moment... Imagine how it looks when we don't have rain for over a year... Almost dry 100%...



On the other side of the bridge, there is a small soccer stadium...



After a while, we are back at the seaside, and this photo (and the next one) looks familiar to those who were checking my previous Actifit reports as I do a lot of walks there...


That small village in the distance is where I live... The road on the right side connects two towns and many people use this part of the seaside for running in the mornings, or later in the afternoon...

As you can see in the last photo, the sun was up and it was already hot... This walk was great, but lately, if I want to walk during the day, I tend to walk inside the town as I can catch shades from houses... "Open space" walks are reserved for early mornings or late evenings... :)

Thank you for your valuable time,



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