Mirando a mi alrededor

Greetings my friends, my best wishes to all, today I am going to show you the entrance of Barrio Obrero, an expiration as its name indicates that was built to benefit the workers, its construction dates from the 50's, the buildings of the entrance are very deteriorated, a capital repair is projected but it has not been possible , Many of the neighbors have made some repairs on their own, but in general it requires a high budget and the possibility of acquiring the materials, in spite of what I tell you, the environment that is appreciated is very natural, the inhabitants of the place lessen their tensions contemplating the trees, the flowers and watching the children play.

Trees grow along the side of the street and around the buildings, which makes for a pleasant breeze and allows passersby to protect themselves from the sun, walking under the shadows they cast. Many people take a break to continue their journey and have a drink of water.

I really enjoy watching the children play, it brings a unique joy and life to the neighborhood, the boys go out to the park to play soccer and baseball, sometimes they ask us to hand them the balls when they go far away and their laughter cheers uI up.

Thank you for reading and for the opportunity to share with everyones all.
The images are my property, taken with my samsumg galaxy note 8 cell phone.

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