Collects a lot of photography on the walk on Wednesdays

Wednesday Walk


My name is Nusrat Jahan My home is Bangladesh. I am a college student. I have just started studying in college.

Yesterday was Wednesday in our country and on Wednesday afternoon I went out for a walk with my girlfriend. I am sharing here some beautiful natural photography and flower pictures that I have collected. You can take this post as photography and also as a natural landscape.


In the picture in the heat of the sun, you can see a beautiful flower, the name of this flower is pressed flower. Usually our Bangladeshi flowers are seen in the green banana leaves like a beautiful mic and its flowers are my favorite. All of the white colored flowers are my favorite.


The area of ​​our girlfriend's garden is so big that as we walk around in their garden we want to look outside. It is a flowering tree in their garden and it has not bloomed yet but it will bloom here very soon.


There are tree saplings in my girlfriend's garden house. There are two people here to take care of her. Her father is a very tree lover and a nature lover. Two people have been hired to take care of these gardens and keep them on salary.


In the picture you can see a beautiful flower bud whose name is Jaba and its flower rots in the rainy season so this flower can be seen in winter and in the rainy season but winter flowers are more permanent.


The baby that he grabbed will walk out with us but we don't want to take him. The baby's name is Sifat and he is my girlfriend's younger brother.


There are lemon trees here, but I don't need them. They eat lemons with rice and a lot of lemon work. They cultivate here. We take a golden crop of Bangladesh. Lemons are sold from our country in foreign countries.


If I had a pen and paper, I would write down the names of the trees. I didn't know the name of the flower I was seeing here. I was saying that my girlfriend's father told me the name of this flower, but I don't remember any of you commenting on this flower.


We walked to the Honey Malati flower tree. This tree has honey with flowers where butterflies and different types of bees can be seen. We have eaten this honey and when you pick flowers, honey comes.


In most of our country, the flower tree is seen in the house, cut with the stalk of the flower and this flower cannot be torn because the color of this flower is red which we call the black color. This flower looks like the leaves of a tree


You can see the flour in the picture. This flower is not bigger than this. I want to see this flower. This beautiful flower tree is on the roof of my house. There are flower trees on the roof of my house so I don't want to write more.


I was with them when the gardener of my girlfriend's house was watering the trees. We were visiting the whole garden on foot to water the trees. It was a big garden so it took us a long time to visit.


The chikon chikon leaf flower tree is very big which has no stalks or gods. This tree becomes a lot of forest. Once this tree has to be cleaned. This tree is in front of the gate. Now we will go out to the restaurant.


The name of this restaurant is Bhoot, our house is located next to the restaurant and we were walking in front of this restaurant in the afternoon. We have to go back home in the evening so we ate two ice creams in preparation for returning home.


The name of this restaurant is Bhoot, our house is located next to the restaurant and we were walking in front of this restaurant in the afternoon. We have to go back home in the evening so we ate two ice creams in preparation for returning home.

48Mega pixel
LocationBogra, Bangladesh

Thanks to all of you for reading my post!

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