Wednesday Walk - Trees and Clouds

It's time for another #WednesdayWalk, community and tag originally created by @tattoodjay! I took a few photos on my way to and back from the post office so here they are...

It's been a while since I walked this road which is usually my way to the post office and library, lately I've been going to the other side that takes me to the bus station, store, pharmacy etc. I barely noticed all the leaves from the chestnut and I was so surprised when I saw this carpet of fallen leaves - it reminds me of fall and I am not ready for the summer to be over yet.

More trees I passed by that I really like. I always feel a little bit weird taking photos in front of houses because of thoughts that somebody will see me through the window, haha. Anyways, my short walk to the post office was enjoyable even though it was really hot! I stopped by the library to check the working hours for August - since I live in a small place, library working hours change during summer break. I have some books to return so I will do that tomorrow. Luckily, there was only one person in front of me at the post office so I got done with that quickly.



On my way back, close to my home, I noticed fluffy clouds and had to take photos! I did the same yesterday while I was in the garden, clouds have been looking like this for the past few days and one can take really cool shots! I just enjoy taking photos of sunsets and clouds.

How's your Wednesday? Let me know in the comments! :)


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