Evening walks

This place is not a park, it's a walking path covered with flowers on the sides and a small play area for the children. You can say it's kind of a mini park. What I like about this place is that while it offers a nice environment to walk it also gives some good views around. This is a buzzing street, there are restaurants all through out on the opposite road and that road is filled with colorful lights. One round of this walking path is around 500 meters. I normally take 10 rounds so it makes a total walk of 5 kms. which is good for me.

These days I have been very active and disciplined with my daily fitness regimes, because in the month of April I am going for the Everest Base Camp Trek. It is one of my life's major to do thing that I want to accomplish. It's going to be a tough one and I need to prepare myself for that. So this 5 kms is not much, I need to eventually get to 15 Kms walking. To prepare myself I have also been doing climbing steps daily 10 floors, which eventually I will increase and by the time I go for the trek I should be able to do 30 floors minimum. I have been doing strength training and Yoga. Approximately 2 hours daily I have been spending on my different forms of exercises. Walking is the most easiest one of that..haha.

If you want to achieve something in life, you have to work towards it and when you do it with dedication you surely achieve success of it. I am also looking forward to doing this trek. I am doing it solo, because none of my friends or family are up for it. Though I have asked the organizer to club me up with any group who is on the trek. I am flexible with the dates so it's fine for me to join any group. My aim is to do the trek, then with some one or alone it does not matter, but yes if there is some company around then it's better. I will write more about the Trek in my future blogs. There is a lot of preparation to be done and lots of challenges to be faced and I am up for it.

These are some pictures from my walk last evening.

The end of the path





There are small flower beds made at intervals on the path



On the opposite road are the restaurant where you see dazzling lights, which are all through out the year.

It's going to be a hectic 4 months from now preparing for the trek and keeping up with my daily activities.

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ



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